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Any feedback on Polaris and Rep of Congo

Home Forums General General Board Any feedback on Polaris and Rep of Congo

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    Anyone been to Congo recently? What’s customs like??

    Anyone been on Polaris? What’s this vessel like?


    If it’s the democratic republic of Congo you are going to mate, be very careful. That place has been in a state of civil war for a long time now. A bit of research on google will give you a few pointers on where to avoid,


    I would assume you will be going via pointe-noire which can be dodgy to say the least 😯

    the republic of Congo to the West is pretty much ok but it is West Africa and caution is advised 💡

    Good Luck and stay safe


    Also have a look at this


    I take it this is the correct vessel


    The republic of Congo ie Point Noirre is fine with a bit of common sense. Been there a few times and never had a problem. DR Congo is a no no. Whatever the rate dont go near.
    Polaris is a dump. especially for a newcomer who will be pond life in the extreeme mud at the bottom!!!
    never been on it myself but seen and and talked to many who have. I was even warned off by Acergy personnel who wont go near it.
    Take your choice theres plenty of other work about.


    Just returned from the Ivory Coast first time there, Spent one night in a good hotel no problems comming through the Airport, Usual thing with the W Africans at the airport looking for money all the time just ignore them.
    Have worked a lot in the Congo since 93 was there 4 years ago and was surprised that getting through the airport was easier, I agree not the best place in the world to work but if you are unsure about it Dont go.
    In Congo stayed many times in the Azure hotel and spent a lot of time in a night club called Masters.

    Worked twice on the Polaris 8 years ago for Stolts, Full of Frogs, Conditions were ok, better than the piece of junk i am on now, But thats the Rov industry some vessels good some bad, I have a mate who has been on the Polaris for 8yrs and keeps going back, There are better vessels out there but if you are like half the guys on here complaining that they have no Sat TV in there room then dont go.

    Anyway Good luck


    Thanx all!! nice to get so many responses so quickly….

    I worked in DRC and Nigeria before so I’m aware of West Africa and its problems. hoping Rep of Congo will be a better experience.

    Thanx again


    Keep ya hole Puckered 😀


    Polaris is an old vessel, so if your looking for the comforts of home forget it! The Congo is not as bad as Nigeria, not too much hassle going through Pointe Noire.
    Have heard it said though that the ROV crew are not a friendly bunch, and are not happy getting South African’s to play with, so take care.


    Have a look at the new item on the left of the home page!!! Another reason to avoid West Africa. 💡 💡

    Scott Beveridge

    Have a look at the new item on the left of the home page!!! Another reason to avoid West Africa. 💡 💡

    Yeah… don’t forget to have your company issue to you the Super Kevlar hardhats & body armor….


    No point in a plane crash Scotty all it does is keep your body pasts together 😯 😯

    Be good

    Scott Beveridge


    The seat belts don’t tho’…. half a laff anybody???

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