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Bullying by supervisors

Home Forums General General Board Bullying by supervisors

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  • #1017

    I have been the victim of bullying by a supervisor,
    He doesn’t like me because I am Fat, Bald, speak with a lishp and have cross eyes,
    this is not my fault and underneath it all even ugly geeks like me need loving and understanding,
    just because I couldn’t fit a nut in a monkeys mouth doesn’t mean I am totally useless


    I think I have worked with you, your pyhsical description rings a bell, is that you Quosimodo?
    The Duke


    Are you sure it was Bullying? and not Constructive critisisum?.

    I would of thought that having Crossed eye’s would be an advantage even on a trencher, as it would enable you to watch 2 monitors at once, ie Nav monitor and the DVD/Movie monitor.

    As for your other attributes, get a Hat and some Dark glasses and no one will know the diffrence and stop feeling sorry for yourself.

    Then all you have to do is Try Putting The Fork DOWN! and get off your Fat Bald Squint Arse and try doing some work, your not being paied to keep a seat warm or do an impression of a Clump weight.

    I hope that some of my suggestions are of use to you.

    Remember and Keep it nice and slack big boy, but it sounds like your ahead of the game in that department 🙄


    The Finger 😛

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