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Help! I’m in a dilemma – Onshore or Offshore?

Home Forums General General Board Help! I’m in a dilemma – Onshore or Offshore?

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    How about a bit of advice from you old sweats out there.

    I did a couple of trips in ME as a trainee earlier in the year, and got a bit of a rough deal (mainly about training/progression or the lack of it), so I called it a day and came back onshore to work. Loved the work though (when I had some to do).
    Now working for an Aberdeen company with good pay(pt to sub eng equivalent).
    Thing is, I just got offered another job doing ROV in UK Europe this time, with training and a decent start pay. Not as much as now, but in 3 to 4 years I should catch up and overtake. I’m no spring chicken, but I’ve got a good 20 + years left in me.
    My dilemma is, as the post says, do I take the plung and try again, or do I stick with the onshore day to day humdrum of Dyce traffic jams, and set dinner breaks? ❓ ❓ ❓

    Sensible answers need only reply!!!!



    Personal opinion mate but you can’t let one experience with one firm/person push you away. Never give up if it is what you want to do, if you are sure you want to go back off shore go for it and give it everything you got ❗

    Good luck

    Scott Beveridge


    There’s lots of work for lots of companies on the ROV side at the moment and probably for the next 4 years or so. There’s also folks out here that can and will make your life hell (see many other posts) BUT there’s a majority of good guys out here that can / will help you to an extent. Some more help than others. I’d say stick it out and bite your tongue when necessary.


    Unfortunatly these things are happening more often,Most of the time if the new lad is getting a hard time its probely because of supervisor or pilot techs own insecurity .

    Scott has a good point stick with it work hard and believe me you will be noticed.

    PS how are you Scott 2 yrs nearlly since we worked toghether on the Sentinal in Qatar.

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