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Responsible drinking ?

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    Trying to get the locals to concoct a drink I tried a few years back called a Caipirinha. If memory serves me right, the main ingredient is a spirit called Petu I think. I vaguely rememeber a picture of a red shrimp/prawn on the front of the bottle…although I have to admit "I was…vary…vary drunk". πŸ˜†

    Question is; is there an equivalent to Petu spirit in SE Asia?


    Caipirinha is made from CachaΓ§a – a spirit distilled from cane sugar in Brasil.

    I’m sure there are sugar cane spirits made in SE Asia but be careful, a lot of them’ll make you blind!


    Of all the countries you have visited I think Thailand has the most amazing selection of home brews available. There is Laow Khaow (rice spirit ) and Yah Dong ( a mixture of rice spirit and " herbs" ) plus many more, this is a drink for the country folk- but is lethally potent. I have seen many tourists get addicted to these conncoctions rapidly with dismal results…. Stick to the beer or whisky and avoid these local "pick me ups" as the end product can be failed vision or worse.

    Scott Beveridge

    😈 Don’t forget the hallucinatory Absinthe made from wormwood… If you really want to burn some brain cells!!!


    Mmmm…all this talk about going blind and losing my brain cell, maybe I’ll stick to me PG tips.
    Trawled through the shpping malls out here and can’t find cachaca…
    Maybe a visit to fantastic Thailand will be on the cards πŸ™‚

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