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Offshore pictures

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  • #1054

    Hello Gentlemen,

    I was just wondering if any of you guys/girls take pictures when you are offshore? I.e just as a hobby or have too much time to your self.


    Ray Shields

    I think most people take photos when they are offshore. Some companies/countries have problems with people taking cameras offshore, however.

    But is usually OK, as long as you are careful with the use of the flash. It has been known to set off systems to detect explosions and shut everything down!

    and for offshore videos, search on YouTube, theres quite a few on there.

    Andy Shiers

    I’ve taken thousands 😯


    Hi Ben,
    Worked on a lot of big construction vessels and have taken photos all of the time, as long as you ask permission there seems to be no problem. I climbed to the top of the big rig on the OHI 2000 (before she sank) and took photo’s of the deck. Manitou 200 crawler cranes looked like Dinky Toys. Have a large selection of photos from all around the world, good for the grandkids ,, yyou cannot explain to most people about what we actually do—–they only see on National Geographic what is shown to them. Hope to get lots more shots on the new digital camera and grabbing the occasional video still is still a big treat especially in deep water.
    Regards Polo

    Andy Shiers

    It’s funny init 🙂
    People not in the industry have no concept of how large some of these subsea structures are or how big the barges are to put them in the water 😯


    To all the "readers" ot there—–
    What we do is breaking new ground every day, technology – water depth etc. You cannot go home and explain to anyone what you do exactly,we are at the forefront of oil exploration….much needed in the world ,but when you go home this is all lost on the people whoo live onshore all their lives. We all participate in the search for energy resources and we will travel around the world to acheive this much to the ignorance of most consumers. It is a good life on the whole but only a few will enjoy and follow this career so it is important we stick together.

    Andy Shiers

    You trying to start a new religion 😕

    Scott Beveridge

    It’s funny init 🙂
    People not in the industry have no concept of how large some of these subsea structures are or how big the barges are to put them in the water 😯

    And our side of things, some of the sizes of the workclass vehicles…..


    Check this one out:




    Here you can find a collection of ROV and offshore related galleries.

    Scott Beveridge

    Here you can find a collection of ROV and offshore related galleries.

    Nice gallery Ron, well laid out!

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