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Time for a career change – ROV pilot?

Home Forums General General Board Time for a career change – ROV pilot?

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    Hi this is my first post.

    I am equipment engineer (HNC elec and electronics) in the micro chip industry and I am now facing the latest factory closure. Fed up with the boom bust of this industry- I am going to break free and have a career change.

    An ex collegue has moved into ROVs some time ago and reccommends it. I have contacted the training centre in Fort William and the next step is booking the course.

    Any advice is appreciated – realistically what can I earn? if Im any good how quickly can I get a job? Is Fort William a good school to go to learn ROVs?

    thanks in advance


    Do not bother with the course you are qualified enough to contact companies directly also try the big agencies and some of the smaller ones who seem to be recruiting directly for the companies.

    If I was you spending my money I would get a medical and survival with your qualifications you could get a job in the ROV industry easily enough and also there are plenty of other offshore jobs which your qualifications fit so you have a lot of options but seriously have a good look through the threads on this site the course may help but at the moment there is so much work around it is not necessary and you may well end up starting with a company and being sent back on the course anyway.

    Happy Hunting

    Scott Beveridge


    You wrote:

    ……… Any advice is appreciated – realistically what can I earn? if Im any good how quickly can I get a job? Is Fort William a good school to go to learn ROVs?

    No, don’t bother with the course… Let the ROV company put you through it if they require. But oil hovering around US$88/barrel, I think the offshore oil industry boom is here to stay for a while and the supply / demand ratio is pretty much unbalanced. See the ROV rates page for the latest rates through all grades. Good luck.

    James McLauchlan

    On the boom or bust front… The offshore industry is the same. However, as pointed out above, with the high barrel value at present we are going through a boom. As long as oil stays high our industry will remain sound.

    Someone asked a similar question about the Fort William course in another thread but, reading between the lines, to me they didn’t seem as qualified as you so I recommended they attend the course to maybe give them an edge. In your case I say do the Survival and Medical and get your CV out.


    Thanks very much for your ideas. It can be hard for a new commer in all industries your honesty and advice will hopefully get me where I want to be

    One thing that seems consistant with your advice is that I should get company to put me through – That would be ideal – whatever redundancy I get would have to go towards paying for my tuition.

    I am really at day one of this career change and I have no idea who to contact – names of agencies/companies/people would be a help – I will trawl throught the net checking for myself also.

    I am taking my medical next week and look to take the survival course soon after. Keep you posted


    Sounds like you have the right idea. The quickest way to get in with the companies seems to be by-passing the HR departments and getting to the ops managers directly.

    Ask your Ex-colleage to pass your C.V. on there is nothing better in this game than word of mouth.

    If not have a look at the pay rates page there are the names of just about all the big players on there just google them for websites and contacts.

    On top of that there is the IMCA website which lists all the registered companies.

    After companies there are some agencies who now recruit some permanant staff for companies. The ones I have heard of recently are Omega resources and Mansell recruitment but have a scan through the agency requirements you may pick up some others there.

    Traditionally the next couple of months are when the companies tended to start recruiting processes for next years season although at the moment that has been blown out of the water and they seem to be recruiting all year.

    Do not worry about the courses most of what you need to know you learn on the job. You already have a good starting technical background so you should not struggle to much.

    Good luck

    James McLauchlan

    Read through this section of the Forum on medical information…


    If you are UK based you require a UKOOA approved medical.


    Read through this section of the Forum on medical information…


    If you are UK based you require a UKOOA approved medical.

    Cheers – I will look through that.

    Just another question – what are the typical contract lengths and periods off shore – The guy I knew said typical 1 month on one off, is that about right?

    Black Dog



    Six weeks on & two weeks off

    I can see any company asking you to come back after two weeks but I can’t see them being able to force you to.

    Scott Beveridge

    Six weeks on & two weeks off

    I can see any company asking you to come back after two weeks but I can’t see them being able to force you to.[/quote

    Some companies are offering some perks to experienced personnel for coming back early. And some guys are "Making hay whilst the sun shines", others are setting up their retirement and investments (oh yeah, not TOO long to go 😀 for meself)

    Blackdog wrote;

    One month on & one month off – I wish!

    Fugro (as many other companies) are short of competent personnel!

    Six weeks on & two weeks off has been ‘normal’ of late!
    Hope your not married!


    Any comments??

    James McLauchlan

    4on & 4off
    6on 3off
    8on 4 off

    It varies between companies plus an element of how many days you wish to work.

    Don’t expect a regular rotation as a matter of course.

    Ray Shields


    Any comments??

    Sounds about right, everyone is hard pushed for people. I think all companies are the same, some people do have reasonably regular trips, others are chucked here there and everywhere, depends on the contract/vehicle/client.

    I aint seen NO perks offered to anyone or incentives offered in addition to what your contract says to do it tho!


    I do know that Oceaneering are doing the half day free for each day over the hundred days in a six month period.
    So if you do 200 days a year nowt but if you do an extra trip over your prefered 183 for tax or back to back then its easy money at circa £200 for each day especially if you do a long or double trip in the period Jan-July or Aug-Dec.
    This is happening to most experienced guys at the mo anyway and its not a bad carrot to dangle for Oceaneering!!!


    Medical is booked for Monday of next week, The Dr e-mailed and said my annual dentist check is really important???? Do you need a cert from your Dentist also ?

    CV sent to Fugro, the balls rolling. Keep you posted – cheers

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