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merry go round GOM

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    A ship somewhere in the GOM, this was recieved as the daily update report. Names have been changed to protect the guilty.
    To get the most from this i think it is best to read it in the way you read a bed time story to your kids ๐Ÿ˜•

    Well the ship is now going somewhere.
    Where I don’t know (honestly I donโ€™t) the boat
    is steaming, I went to the 23:30 pre shift meeting and no one arrived
    to take it. On investigation the bloke (deck foreman) who was supposed
    to take the meeting was sat at the back of the room and was not aware
    that he was supposed to chair the pre- shift meeting, after looking
    around sheepishly he admitted that no one had given him a hand over or
    told him what was going on anyway.
    I then decided a good cup of tea was in order, so I went and found
    Billy Bob (my opposite supervisor) to see what he had heard, "I don’t know maaaaaan" he said in his
    Louisiana drawl "no one’s toll me nuthin, but the ingineeeer says we’s
    to git a hot work permit and JSA’S for da mornin, dats alllllll I bin
    So after drinking my tea and contemplating my place in the Universe I
    wandered up to the project office to see the engineer, on walking in he
    was hunched over his computer grunting to himself. " Alright mate,โ€ I
    said, " do you know where we’re going ? " He visibly twitched at the
    question and when he looked at me he seems a bit nervous and wild eyed.
    " No, no, no" he said " I haven’t a clue, but I’m glad you’re here
    they are going nuts about your launch and recovery JSA its not long
    enough "
    He then thrust a 2 line JSA into my hand " mmmmmmmmm " I thought "
    interesting", my contemplation was interrupted by the stressed engineer
    squeaking " The superintendent and company rep said its not long enough we
    need more lines on itโ€.
    " Oh " I replied stoking my chin in an intellectual manner, โ€œ where
    did they get this ". โ€œ It was on my desk" he say, " aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh"
    I thought again, and then in my innocence I decided to ask a really
    stupid question" has any one actually read this" I say, " No man we
    bin tooooo busy for dat" (I think he’s from Texas)
    A light came on in my head as realisation dawned, I attracted his
    attention with a polite cough, he looked at me as if the world would end
    if he didn’t touch his key board in the next five seconds " WHAT" he
    growled at me through gritted teeth. I stepped back a pace (I thought
    of distance between us might be good at this point) " Well " I said, "
    if you actually read this you would see that its a JSA for unhooking
    Subsea loadsโ€. " F**ks sake " he exploded "why is everyone on at me
    all the time"
    I was beginning to think another cup of tea could be in order, so I
    am ambled towards the door. As I reached for the handle he shouts " Oh
    yea I forgot, you need a hot work permitโ€ at 6 o’ clock, "to do whatโ€
    I asked " I dunno no one’s told me anything" he replied
    "OK " I said cheerfully as I left
    A second cup of tea was definitely in order, so I made my tea and
    wandered down to the TV room to see John (sub eng heโ€™s a Brit). " "Whatโ€™s
    on?โ€ I asked. " Its a documentary on chimps. We looked at each other and
    nothing needed to be said.
    That is exactly how the first 30 minutes of my shift went. Any way
    gents I hope you enjoy the rugby I’ve got to make a phone call, its my
    Granny I hear she’s not feeling well :))

    Scott Beveridge

    ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿ˜†

    ๐Ÿ˜• ๐Ÿ˜ณ ๐Ÿ˜ณ

    And family, friends, and acquaitances back in the US ask me, "When are you ever moving back to the US? You can work in the GOM!"…………


    On a more serious note, what did you think of the safety side of "thangs"???


    That’s the good ‘ole GOM for you…

    Still top bloke, kept his Tea input up which of course is far more important than any of the other drivvel. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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