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Neptune Marine Services Perth??

Home Forums General General Board Neptune Marine Services Perth??

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    Has anyone heard of a company called Neptune Marine Services in Australia?. I believe they are taking delivery of some new build ROV’s next year under new management and I want to get their contact details for potential work.



    Scott Beveridge


    Had a look at their site(s) but not much info… Why don’t you go ahead and contact them?


    Is that aussie adam as in subsea7-stena spey dream team??


    Nope sorry

    James McLauchlan

    Don’t know Neptune myself but here is a bit of recent background on them…

    video cast on 02 Oct 2007

    It came from here: http://www.brr.com.au/NMS/neptune-marine-services-limited


    Hey Adam,
    They are trying to break into the ROV market by as early as March 2009, so the little birdies say.
    had a look at their site http://www.neptunems.com/ but it’s not really too much use because they have no ROV opps.



    As early as April 2008 I heard not 2009……I also hear they just bought Seastruct as well, one to watch

    James McLauchlan

    ……I also hear they just bought Seastruct as well, one to watch

    Which is pretty much what the Video cast link will tell you.
    There is a lot of detail in there about the Seastruct acquisition but, as of the 1st Oct 2007, a letter of intent was signed and due diligence needs to be carried out before the actual purchase will take place.


    You may be correct. My sources actually conflict eachother-one says April 09 and the other says sometime around mid year next year depending on contracts. Both rekkon 5 new builds.
    If you are infact right…get in quick if you want a possie onboard, crews are assembled very very quickly these days.

    Seastruct are getting pretty huge and their teams are (from my experience) very young but fairly professional. Then again I’ve only worked with them in the Bass Strait & NW Shelf so I only know how they go outside of Oz.

    Scott Beveridge

    You may be correct. My sources actually conflict eachother-one says April 09 and the other says sometime around mid year next year depending on contracts. Both rekkon 5 new builds.
    If you are infact right…get in quick if you want a possie onboard, crews are assembled very very quickly these days.

    Seastruct are getting pretty huge and their teams are (from my experience) very young but fairly professional. Then again I’ve only worked with them in the Bass Strait & NW Shelf so I only know how they go outside of Oz.

    Define "huge" dude….


    I have worked with Sea Struct before and they are a good bunch of guys and always have plenty of work it seems. I was told that you can also cross train between the ROV division in Neptune and the Seastruct division if you want to, or soon will be anyway, so when either work dries up you still have work going.

    Not sure who is running the ROV’s yet though.



    elad1986 wrote:
    You may be correct. My sources actually conflict eachother-one says April 09 and the other says sometime around mid year next year depending on contracts. Both rekkon 5 new builds.
    If you are infact right…get in quick if you want a possie onboard, crews are assembled very very quickly these days.

    Seastruct are getting pretty huge and their teams are (from my experience) very young but fairly professional. Then again I’ve only worked with them in the Bass Strait & NW Shelf so I only know how they go outside of Oz.

    scotbeve wrote:
    Define "huge" dude….

    Well Scott I’d say they are the biggest of the grouters in Aus and NZ.


    Given the potential money a company of this size has to spend if they want, and it appears they do want, then you can be sure the head-hunting has been already started. New start ROV companies can be a lot of fun to work with as everyone working there wants to make things better than where they were last. Watch out for aggressive head-hunting of management in established ROV companies.

    Any new company starting is good news for ROV persons, extra good if that company has some money behind it.



    HI Guys
    I know the new boss for the ROV division, think they will do alright

    Andy Shiers

    So , Are they taking on Brits aswell ?

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