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    Hey guys

    Im a New Zealander keen to get started in a ROV career, should I expect that I will have to relocate in order to get work? Or is where you are based not so much of an issue.

    Thanks in advance for any help on this post 🙂


    I hear Australia is a good place to start 😀

    Hot Stab


    the best way probably for you to get into the industry, and not move is to try Oceaneering as they want cheap labour. No offence against you, its just that if your not a UK resident they pay you less, much less ( bigger profits for them, as they still charge you out as a UK resident ). So flying you half way around the world is nothing to the money they will make off you.

    At the moment they are employing plenty of South Africans, who are very good technically, but just paying them well below standard rate.

    Another way is to try for Perth, Australia. However you will have to put yourself through a ROV course at Fremantle TAFE. Im pretty sure all ROV companies based in Perth employ trainees from this course.
    I also think that they like you to be based in Perth, so that you can do some work in base.

    I also hear on the grapevine that there is some oil fields over your way that they might be going ahead with. Try doing some research, see whats happening, who’s constructing etc.

    Back to Oceaneering, if you go down that path, use them up for courses ( as they are using you ), get as much flying time as possible, and then move on to the good ROV companies who dont descriminate against you, because you are a non UK resident.

    Once you are in with a company, they will fly you from anywhere.

    Good luck !


    Stephen Black

    Give Frank at Seaworks in New Plymouth a phone. If you have the wright technical background you never know your luck



    Thanks guys that is very helpful, its good to know that I might have a chance. In the meantime ill keep researching and check out what was suggested.

    Thanks again 🙂

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