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Canadians in the Offshore ROV industry?

Home Forums General General Board Canadians in the Offshore ROV industry?

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    Wade Berglund

    Hello Everyone

    I am a Canadian who is currently doing allot of job research in the Offshore ROV industry. I am hoping to get into this sector and would like to know some thoughts and opinions and history on how most of the Canadian’s got into the industry. I have a significant level of experience in Electronics and am looking for a career change out of the navy.
    I have read most of the posts in the FAQ, Rookie corner and need some very focused information to get me to the next stage.

    Thank you

    Ray Shields

    Just to let you know that the majority of Uk companies expect employees to live in the UK before they will employ them.

    Even though you can get cheap flights outwith Europe (you can usually fly to Thailand cheaper than you can fly on some internal Uk flights!)

    Getting started with any Canadian divisions of global companies or local Canadian companies would be your best bet. So best gather a list of them first. Good luck in your endevors.


    Why dont you work for the companies in Canada "ay"?

    Wade Berglund

    Hmmm, I thought that was what I was asking. I am looking for information in how the "Canadians" in the industry started out and if they had any constructive and worthwhile information.
    I have been attempting to get into the industry by applying to posts and companies in the offshore industry. The big ones such as Acergy, Oceaneering, Canyon-Helix, Fugro, I-Tech/Subsea7, Sonsub, and Technip have produced minimal responses. Some of these have limited resources or no offices here in Canada.
    I have tried believe me!

    Oh…and its "eh" by the way mate. I am going to put my "Toque" on now and swill back some Molson Canadian beer and watch the Hockey game on my chesterfield. Later I may just go to "Timmies" and get a "double-double".

    Lloyd Todd


    Have you contacted Technip in the UK as they run all there
    systems from the RSU Deptment in Aberdeen, Tel No. 0044 1224 271000
    you need to speak to Dave Cristie he is the operations manager.
    They often have projects running in Canada and need locals to make the number up. (No pun intended)
    This may get you a start at least,

    Regards Mad-dog 😆

    James McLauchlan

    Hmmm, I thought that was what I was asking.

    I thought that too 😉

    matt buxton

    I was succesfull……(some would say not) with getting a position with oceaneering.

    Go for my training on jan 6 in aberdeen.

    granted I have a fairly subsea laden CV for a rookie…..but they are willing to fly me out of Vancouver BC Canada


    Hi Trimtank, you should contact Oceaneering Canada in Newfoundland as they had an ad in the weekend paper look for pilot techs. The work to my understanding is in Angola but could be a foot in the door. There are some fellow novi’s on the same job in Angola. Best of luck.



    PM me and i might be able to put you in touch with someone.


    All good advise here…I did the OI thing out of east coast then went agencey.

    Acergy is home these days.


    There is a company called compass who are an agency and deal with Canadians if they cannot offer you help they may well be able to point you in the right direction.


    we have a canadian Pilot onboard in Indonesia at the moment , Oceaneering Sg need good blokes .



    [quote="l Oceaneering Sg need good blokes .


    They sure do……


    [quote="l Oceaneering Sg need good blokes .


    They sure do……

    HA HA HA HA , actually OI Sg has a lot of nice people on board and in the office , but they are hamstrung by the company pay rates for Asia which is way out of kilter with other local companies that are now begining to converge pay rates with europe in order to recruit and retain people. I dont mind so much as I want as much experience as I can get , but in a year or so I will start to get more mercenary.



    IS Jason Miles still kicking around there or his Dad?

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