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SubSea Robotics Training Center Texas

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    Does anybody knows about TSTC Corporate College(TSTC Waco campus)?Do they issue imca pilot 2 upon completion of the courses. 😕 😕 😕

    Thank guys, 🙂 🙂
    Merry Chrismas & Happy New Year.

    Ray Shields

    I dont know the course, Ive not seen it mentioned on here before.

    Be aware that IMCA do NOT issue any certificates, any college or school that issues any certificate or claims that they certify people to IMCA are doing so against the express wishes of IMCA. IMCA have a constant battle to stop schools doing this. There is no such thing as a certificate from IMCA.

    If you look up the website of the above mentioned college they state
    "The ROV program follows the guidelines and competency schemes set forth by the International Marine Contractors Association, The Association of Diving Contractors, The International Association of Drilling Contractors and The Electrical Technician Association. "

    This is exactly what they should say and do. IMCA write a specification for Pilots, training schools can teach a course BASED on the specification, this is not the same as IMCA certifying you.

    No matter what any training school says, you cannot be a Pilot Tech 2 after attending ANY of their courses. You need practical operational flying experience and time working offshore as well.


    Thanks rayshields.

    Andy Shiers

    Now that , Ray , Is the most interesting piece of knowledge that people on here should take heed of 😀
    Training schools , Take note in your selling bumpf please 👿

    Jason Garic

    One of our SSE’s came through that school. He had a better idea of what was going on than most of the new hire’s.

    He has good work ethics and a electro/hydraulic foundation. So I’m sure he took as much as he could get from the course. I wouldn’t say that he’s PT2 material.


    i graduated from there a few months ago. it was a pretty good course. they gave a lot of good, BASIC information. the school is run by the same people who had the Institute of robotics in clear lake houston. They have a lot of connections to companies in the industry. they have company HR people come into the class and introduce themselves and get a basic idea of who they might be interested in. oceaneering hires a lot of the students from the class. most graduates are hired on graduation day. they teach fittings, theory, and you have to operate and maintain an rov. you will have a better understanding of the entire industry by attending the class. they will not garuntee you a job but they will give you the tools to get hired.
    i hope this helps you.


    Hi Mudflap ,Thanks a lot for your information 😀 🙂 😀


    no problem. let me know if you need anymore info

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