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SeaManStains & MasterBates

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    We have on our system a new trainee , Hes quite a hoot ! I think he will fit right in .

    He turned up with a mamouth collection of porn mags ,DVD’s & other parafanalia . We have given him the nickname of CHUGG.

    The new trainee masterbates at leaste 8 times a day & slips off at every opportunity to jack one off , weve caught him in the act on several occasions now , in the work shop , control van & on the foredeck .

    He says he is misssing his girlfriend . Our ships doctor says this is very normall for a youngster & indeed healthy .

    We are thinking of slipping Viagra into is daily coffee ? Do you think this is a good idea ? 😳

    Scott Beveridge

    That and some Red Bull (SE Asian type)!!!

    😆 😆 😆


    I think they used to pour bromine into tea in world war 1 to quell such behaviour?? 😆 😆

    Ray Shields

    Make sure he’s worked round the vehicle when it first comes out of the water especially if you have a lot of jellyfish around.

    bet he wouldnt wash his hands before going for a stroke, the burns might slow him down 😀

    I would discourage the activities within the CV, Workshop etc however. Do you really want to be sitting in his damp patches or handling the controls after him??


    He, he nice one but make sure that you have a medic around couse jellyfish on "soft" skin can be nasty sometimes!
    And also desinfect the sticks after him too!!! 😀


    watch out lads a horny geeza then you slip him viagra on top you may wake up and find it uncomfortable to sit down

    😆 😆 😆

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