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Sonsub Singapore New Vessel

Home Forums General General Board Sonsub Singapore New Vessel

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    Hi – new to the forum. Just heard that Sonsub Singapore has ordered a new DP2 vessel for ROV / Subsea Construction work.

    Anyone else hear about this?


    The vessel isn’t going to help under the current management. 😉


    Ahh its ok deepsea

    the’ve bought in an outsider to run the vessel. The other guys who wear ops managers hats are really only travel agents. They just handle crew travel arrangements, they aren’t really up to anything else. They would normally delegate the vessel to the office girls to handle ,like they do everything else but in this instance it would be a bit obvious

    They also have a couple of pretty technical type superintendants lined up for the boat, so it just might work out….

    As for the rest of the out fit, it looks like it’s just a matter of time before saipem send in a bunch of italian hatchet men to run the show. That will be the final coup de grace for the company.

    Guess canyon will pick up the left over jobs and the last of the good crews if the latest rates mentioned for canyon on this forum are correct.

    actually last i heard there were still good offshore guys at sonsub and their workshop manager and technical people were still pretty good. Its the overstaffing with phillipino techs and lack lustre ops managers that is causing the problems.

    a culling of ops managers and phillipinos would sort all their problems in a one er


    word is the boat is ear marked for Awwwstralia. so they would probably want to crew it with awwwwssies or keeewees


    I don’t understand lah. Wouldn’t it make sense to buy some or even 1 new vehicle before buying a new boat?

    Walk before you can run……….??????????


    te he he he. Ouch thats cruel he he he.

    it’s been said before, common sense is not very common with them


    actually saipem told them to buy one, they didn’t have a choice. They don’t even get to pick the colour


    Being built at Don Carlucci’s yard in Palermo, then?


    Nope better than that

    it’s " Ahbengs cheap but good lah shipyard" in china


    anyone working for sonsub singapore ?

    Do they take in graduates with mechanical engineering background?

    it is stated in their website that they do recruit offshore trainees though…

    thanks for any advice 😉

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