Home Forums General General Board Be Aware of Crap UAE Companies

Be Aware of Crap UAE Companies

Home Forums General General Board Be Aware of Crap UAE Companies

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  • #1273

    It appears , certain companies in the middle east are trying it on in regards to contracts 👿
    Make sure BEFORE you leave your house that the day rate has been agreed……. Door to Door , Full rate . travel expenses paid for etc.
    If you are stuck in a hotel due to the company cocking up on travel arrangements or problems with visas , It’s not your problem so you should not have half rate because of it 😡
    Get the Company to email the contract prior to leaving for the airport.

    Scott Beveridge

    Your subject should read Be Away from crap UAE companies!!!


    CONTRACTS 101:
    Always have draft contract faxed/emailed/sent prior to acceptance.
    You may also want to think about editing the, ‘area of operation shall be the Persian Gulf’ to specific countries, i.e. UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Iran. You must ensure that Iraq & Saudi(personal Pref.) are not included. Otherwise, the rest is straight forward; door to door, food allowance whilst in hotels etc.
    Every company in every region of the world will ‘try it on’ to some degree. It is down to the individual freelancer to guard themselves against this. I’ve yet to see anyone sign a contract under duress.

    Andy Shiers

    Er 😳 , Baron , I was as , you know along with our multi long legged friend 😕
    By a certain company in the middle east !
    The contract was in Qatar but they switched the contract over to Saudi and we were not too keen to go 😕
    The contracts were signed at the Airport so , we did not have a copy. they then changed the contract whilst we were in Qatar !
    Companies to watch out for .
    CCC , NPCC , DULAM and Unless they have had a massive personnel change in the orifice Halul marine alias QSS.
    It’s funny really 🙂
    They all appear to be in ……………………….. The middle east 😀


    too right lost one!! also watch out for impresub, they are tricky *uckers!

    Andy Shiers

    Ahhh , If it ain’t me ole’ Skirted friend from up north 😀
    I heard you are back in the fold and soooooooooooooold yer soull to the devil 😈


    hello o lost one 🙂

    i have indeed returned to the fold! i missed my times on mr r,s gin palace!!

    also, i was sick and tired of working for italian companys, no spares, crap boats/barges, everybody i was getting sent was at best straight out of fort bill (and that was the best of them) on the last job i had three "rov crew" who had never even been offshore!! nada-nothing-zip, needless to say i was up all hours, so i made the call and here i am, and very happy too 🙂

    even though the bacon is still crispy!!!

    see you soon o lost one!!

    Andy Shiers

    Unless something really , really , really looks interesting , I shall be taking a leeeetle time off 😯 Homely matters to look in to 😀

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