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Acergy death

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    Mike Kidd

    Just had an email from the oriface about a death on an acergy spread, ROV guy crushed between the TMS and docking ring during a lift reterm.
    Even simple jobs are dangerous, Be careful out there


    Did this happen a couple of weeks ago or is it another incident?

    Andy Shiers

    Naa same incident 🙁
    It’s just that news does not travel that fast in Africa 😕

    Scott Beveridge

    Went looking for the news… Couldn’t find any yet but we had a safety flash.

    Any more details anyone???


    It was not Acergy.

    I think it was Geoconsult – DOF subsea Norway.


    Definetly Norway on MV Geosund for Acergy


    according to internal Acergy Intranet, this sad event was DEFINATELY NOT on an Acergy vessel or a vessel chartered for Acergy work !!

    Ray Shields

    This is a rehash of the story that was posted on here recently, its not new. No,not Acergy personnel.

    It was on the Geosund while it was in Denmark I think. The Supervisor was from Norway. Crushed between the top of the TMS and Snubber when the electric winch somehow started up and paid in.


    It was with Geo for sure.

    The LAR’s is a ODIM PLC….. .

    Just worked with same sysytem for Allseas and problems for sure.

    Andy Shiers

    Are you sure 😕

    Scott Beveridge

    Has anyone found the article yet? Googled many different ways – no picture, no sound…

    Ray Shields

    I have been unable to find anything via Google (which is surprising). Only from information and emails from others.


    Is anyone else having problems with an ODIM winch?


    My understanding was that it was an ODIM hydraulic AHC winch that had a feature that on loss of power would pay in (presumably from an accumulator). No one I’ve discussed this with can understand the reason for such a feature. Details have been sketchy to say the least but safe to say that this does not have any bearing on the Macartney electric AHC winches that are popular at the moment.


    Heard (Allegedlly) that when the Odim winch was powered up to pull the bullet out of the TMS, nobody isolated the heave comp system, and the accumulators immediately took up tha slack pulling the bullet up into the snubber at a rapid rate crushing the tech. If anybody has worked with these systems then you will know how fast the heave comp can go and take up tension.
    Investigation still ongoing…
    Major screwup somewhere, hopefully a proper investigation will find out the facts.

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