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Help required from ROV Personnel

Home Forums General General Board Help required from ROV Personnel

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  • #1372

    To all ROV personnel.

    I am asking all of you currently on, or about to join a vessel for your assistance. DeepOcean Subsea Services Ltd. (UK Office) are looking to recruit experienced Survey personnel (all positions) for ongoing and future projects that we have lined up this year. Our current work locations are North Sea, Med & Red Sea. We operate a fleet of 15 modern vessels with new vessels coming on-line later this year. Can i put a call out for you all to inform the survey team onboard your vessel of this. Can you please ask the personnel concerned to forward their CV’s to myself in the first instance should they be interested. to myself at dbt@deepocean.no

    Unfortunately, we do not utilise ROV personnel out of our UK office as this is done through our head office in Haugesund, so i do not want to waste your time in sending your CV’s to myself.

    stevie stuart

    I just wasted my time reading this, i was busy watching the mighty jezza kyle as well!!


    To all ROV personnel.

    I am asking all of you currently on, or about to join a vessel for your assistance. DeepOcean Subsea Services Ltd. (UK Office) are looking to recruit experienced Survey personnel (all positions) for ongoing and future projects that we have lined up this year. Our current work locations are North Sea, Med & Red Sea. We operate a fleet of 15 modern vessels with new vessels coming on-line later this year. Can i put a call out for you all to inform the survey team onboard your vessel of this. Can you please ask the personnel concerned to forward their CV’s to myself in the first instance should they be interested. to myself at dbt@deepocean.no

    Unfortunately, we do not utilise ROV personnel out of our UK office as this is done through our head office in Haugesund, so i do not want to waste your time in sending your CV’s to myself.

    READ AS….

    Dear all,

    I would like to make lots of cash but cant be bothered to find crew by myself, so please do my work for me, ps dont bother sending you cv as i dont want anything to do with nasty rov types.

    thanks in advance suckers!!


    🙄 Oh dear, someone got out of bed the wrong side today eh? Perhaps it was it a bad shift or are you just plain bored? 😆

    Who cares how jobs are marketed………. 🙄

    There’s a saying…..only boring people get bored…….

    Relax a little…..and smile 😆




    not bored at all!!

    but i mean to say, 90 % of a agents job is finding the guys, and if they cant or dont have the will or abiliy to do that what can they do??

    just a though, nothing to do with my shift as i am just home and relaxing picking holes in some posts!!

    Andy Shiers

    Oh My 😯


    If you check the website you’ll find they’re looking for the full monty of ROV bodies as well… I do know half my shift has applied…including myself.(just the trainees left to run the sub – nice). As to terms, details and money -who knows, we’ll find out and let you know.



    That’ll teach me to post after a few beers…

    It’s not this outfit we’ve all applied too, it’s another outfit beginning with O, but I’ll let you know the money, terms etc anyway

    Regds, waving a JD and coke


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