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Sea-eye monkeying with controls

Home Forums General General Board Sea-eye monkeying with controls

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    OK,so I went along to the Oceanology conference last week and took a gander at the new seaeye vehicle – the Jaguar. Looks rather gangly and naked without a full spread of sensors etc.

    SM08 thrusters are a real positive – apparently runs off much the same stuff as the existing fleet of vehicles and far greater bollard pull ! great – no need to learn anything more other than maybe a new repair procedure. The SM08s look a little star-wars storm trooper helmet like, but never mind.

    To my disgust however, it appears that the new beastie will not be controlled using the proven Seaeye mk1 stickle brick with pots n 3D joystick. They’ve opted for a new layout – it sucks. It looks like the sub-atlantic thunderbirds arrangement.

    How do I start a poll?

    Seaeye controls engineers: The old controller worked – it worked well, why monkey? Should they monkey? Should they monkey with another monkeys monkey?

    Off to find my coffee. and my left handled mug.

    (Damn it’s early!)

    Andy Shiers

    In Fairness Savante , There are alot of different ROV controls for alot of different ROV’s which you find easy or end up having bent gnarled fingers for impossible positions. So you have to get used to them or be exposed as a crap pilot 😯
    BUT , I would side with you on this one particular Manufactuerer though.
    I do know of a few people that hate the Controller , they cannot get there heads around it, I have never had a problem with it unless Mr Carl Petit has been playing with it before hand 🙂 As he is Left handed 😀
    I too went down to have a gander at the Jaguar and was impressed but not with the new control unit 😕
    I presume that Seaeye have gone this way because the first systems being built to order have been requested like that by the Client 🙁
    If they have not had it requested by the client then someone in the orifice needs his Nuts cracked and his cock on the block 😯
    But Thats my own thoughts on the matter .
    Also my own thoughts on the matter is Seaeye’s aftersales help and R/D feed back have been lacking in the past.
    Maybe what with Saab getting involved this will change and they will listen to the operators instead of Orifice people 🙂 Hmmmmmmmmm
    We shall see 😕
    But , getting back to your point , Yes I am happy with the controller the way it is. Getting bigger and on consoles tend to then make headaches on size and position of container or restricted space inside Ships cabins without serious modifications. I like the Handcontroller 🙂 I have used them since there first conception in Home Made Boats days 😀
    Some of the guys couldn’t cope with the vert pot being where it was and modified it stuck to the joystick using a 35mm film container 😕
    I personnally thought that it was lazy and Naff on their part and usually changed it back after they went off 🙂
    The Seaeye handcontroller is compact and I find it easy to operate 😉 Maybe I’m just good 😆
    Just two clothes hooks up on the wall and store it out the way 😀
    easy to open up to change a pot and you can fly the vehicle from any position you want in the Cabin because it is on a lead ! Fantastic idea
    What a great concept 😀
    Then some ‘Muppet’ changes the thing for the Falcon 😕 I suppose it was only a matter of time they changed the rest of the fleet 🙁
    Graet shame 😥


    agreed: I shall declare conflict of interest:

    I am left handed and beginning to get stuck in my ways and beligerant. 😆

    Andy Shiers

    Big word 😆
    But I shall join your voice and declare a protest against this change because if even you , being left handed do not like the change , I see that the controller has great characteristics for left or right .
    Keep the controller the way it is…………………. Start the poll it should be interesting to see the results 😀


    I predict a riot

    Andy Shiers

    Total anarchy 😆


    I am left handed as well, but I use my right hand when I fly, or use master arm, some joysticks are just too close to the wall, so I had to use my right hand.


    yeah, i use my right for seaeye flying – but left for screwing up the verts/camera and lights.

    How do you set up a poll on this site? Or can you only have 1 poll at a time?


    Back in 1987 when we first brought brought out the first of the 600 the vert control was over on the right of the joy stick this was because Ian Blamire
    was left handed .
    Even now on your standard box I still change over the tilt control to the bottom left hand position and the vert control top left hand .
    Then someone came alone and taped the vert control on the side of the joystick .

    As for the Falcon and Jaguar there fine for what they are .




    I think I’m gonna put my soap-box away !! 😆

    Andy Shiers

    You canna find out how to do a poll 🙂
    Come on Savante , You’re better than that 😀


    i like the controls the way they are, keep them std i say!!

    i dont like new things i dont!! now get off my land!!


    I’ll get off your land, when you get off my cousin. 😆

    I’m serious about trying to put a poll up – think seaeye should take note and build something with the end user in mind – not some client representative who’s dabbling.

    Lostboy – I don’t want to be exposed as a crap pilot !! 😆 😆 Also I’m having such a retarded week – will hunt the poll button in the search option- I know it’s out there somewhere!!!

    Andy Shiers

    Well done Savante 😀
    I have submitted my vote 🙂
    Anyway it aint ya land ! It’s mine ! I got the deeds ta prove it !
    Now Git awrf else I set the dogs on ya 😡

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