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Doing a ???????

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    New term initiated on Havila Harmony when hiding from work….. Doing a ???????
    (rest of post edited/deleted by James McLauchlan – Forum admin)

    New term initiated on ROVworld.com Forum

    Slag anyone off here and you will be banned!
    ……..along with the IP address used which could mean that the whole ship would be banned from ROVworld.com or your own IP range if you are at home.

    The Forum rules clearly do not allow this kind of slagging off and we don’t need it around here.

    This makes you way out of line if you think this kind of post is acceptable, as are people going along with it.

    We have a complete copy of the original content of this thread.
    I work for TS Marine, in a reasonably senior offshore capacity, and may well forward it to the attention of the person I answer directly to in Aberdeen.

    This account has been locked.
    IP address recorded.


    is that with the tsmarine lot crover? when are you back in blaikies??


    content deleted by admin


    content deleted by admin


    content deleted by admin

    added 22/03

    actually to be fair it was a nightmare trip and he was the shining light of the other shift, this is all presumptions and hear say, 1 mans nightmare is anothers saving grace. it used to be you were only as good as your last fuck up but with the joys of internet and such sites as this, your only as good as ‘what ever self opinionated person can be bothered to write’


    This account has been locked.
    IP address recorded.


    content deleted by admin


    This is so far below the belt its not funny.

    James, it maybe time to take action with people who use this site in an attempt to effect someones whole life.

    This is not on and i would ask that you let misiuek know the identity of this person in private so they can sort their differences out in private.

    This is total slander and this website should not be used as a tool to cause actual upset to anyone.



    Stewart Reid

    content deleted by admin


    Good old rumour control, you’re out of order buddy!!!



    content deleted by admin


    the last thing this site needs is to have every post moderated before it’s put up on the discussion boards – everything would slow down and we’d have to wait up to 8 hours for Ray/Gina/James to enable all the comments (if they’re even onshore). Their burden would be vast.

    the heat on this site can be very good and giggles about major fuck-ups is one thing and slagging each other can be funny between people who know each other well enough to, but groover you’re pursuing a course of discussion that is frankly unacceptable to anyone in a civilised society. (Something ROV community can certainly afford to be-what the hell happened to gentlemanly friggin conduct ?!)

    you’re posting here "on your honour"; defamation is a serious thing in any country and so is wrecking someone’s personal life with bullsh1t comments. In the same breath, the same can be said about comments about any ROV pilot tech. 🙁

    Duals should be sorted out in private, not in public. 👿 Take it outside and solve it M.O. queensbury style.

    I think a tag of "twat" needs to be used instead of new member. Even trout and star don’t even manage to cross this line of crassness.

    Failing that it looks like groover is a new start – can’t you IP address black-list him and remove him James? Looks like he’s deliberately come on to stir someone’s nest.

    from my ivory tower. sav out


    Agree with that 100% Sav, there is no room for that kind of crap anywhere never mind a website etc.

    Misi, at least you cant get any more grey hair 😆 Should you find out who this twat is and decide that some well planned violence is in order my fat friend and I will be there 😯 😯 😈

    Lets play fair children


    James McLauchlan

    Gina edited earlier today and I have just completed the edit.

    The original OP is way out of line.

    I am jacked off that a few of you also thought it OK to jump on the bandwagon along with links to ‘you tube’ and mentioning of initials etc.

    What’s up with you guys? If you have a problem with someone deal with it offshore not via this Forum. This is not a place for petty slagging off or allegations.

    I will let you know now that once (in another Forum I run) someone caused this kind of mayhem. The poster thought he was anonymous and untraceable because he was using a username with a hotmail address linked to his account. I traced his location via the IP address he used for posting (as admin we see the IP address that every poster posts from).
    He was in Scotland, I then identified his company and forwarded the content of his posts to the company owner. The guy was fired in an hour.

    You may end up banned from this site but you may also suffer in other ways as a result of your action.

    Thread Locked!

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