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SeaBotix LBV

Home Forums General General Board SeaBotix LBV

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  • #1403

    Hi guys, Im looking to purchase a Seabotix LBV 150se2 can anyone out there give me some feed back as to the quality, reliability and price of their units Vs others on the market….

    Comments please….


    Why on earth would you want one of those? a fishing weight? Haddock spotting? Swimming pool inspection?

    Go buy a falcon!! šŸ™‚


    Iā€™m also need a small ROV with good manipulator! I have put my eye on the Shark Marines Stealth2! Any comments on that unit? I have to agree with h20mrv. Seabotix is onely good for inspection. Falcon seems like good choice, but do anyone knows the price level fore that mashine?


    If you decide on a Seabotix LBV, make sure it has the new one piece tygon fitted as well as the new thruster connectors, otherwise stand by for some ground faults.

    The maintenance/replacement engineering on this vehicle needs improvement. replacing a vertical or lateral thruster requires a lot of unecessary work taking things in the way apart. Feeding the wires through the right angled connectors on the connector box/ term can is really frustrating and time consuming.

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