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  • #1407

    Hello Gentlemen,

    As you know I left Mansell due to certain reasons, but am back now, so all that missed me, you wont have to cry yourself to sleep any more.

    I have a number of requirements for ROV roles and will be posting them up shortly. In the mean time you can send your CV’s to: ben@indepthrecruitment.com.

    Take a look at the website, http://www.indepthrecruitment.com

    I look forward to hearing from you all.

    Best Regards,
    Ben Burns

    Andy Birchall


    I’ve just dropped you my CV, looking for trainee positions.

    Hopefully hear from you soon with some possibilities. Any pointers on improving my CV and experience more than welcome.




    Welcome back!!

    I have missed your posts soooooo much my BONNIE LAD!!!

    just as a matter of interest, how long are you going to last with this company?

    i suspect not long if you dont get some rovers out to work 🙂

    why not try silver service or truck drivers? you may have more luck!

    bye bye bonnie lad !!


    WHO ??
    i’ve never heard of you.

    Scott Beveridge


    What’d you do to piss these guys off?


    oew R yeuuw???


    i am the eternal trainee 🙄


    I am counting on you Ben….I know you do the business mate.

    Things just picking up..what you got?

    Ray Shields

    Unfortunately, Ben, I realise you just left one recruitment company but you now look like one of the many one man band recrcuiters who appear and disappear on here. Even if you have got http://www.breakthegrid.co.uk to design a website, come up with logos and print a nice brochure and headed notepaper.

    The website for your company (giving your address in East Grinstead) only came into being on 11th Feb 08 (and is only registered for a year 🙂 ) The Google Earth map on the site also appears to show the company is being run out of a house.

    You have 3 job adverts that are just generic "we have jobs with someone somewhere getting paid something". There is no mention of any affiliation to any "sister" company in the States.

    I realise people have to start somewhere but mentioning "we are a sister company of a US based company. " to try and make it look like you are a big international company – unless of course this means your SISTER has set up a company in the States?



    Good luck in your new venture




    Unfortunately, Ben, I realise you just left one recruitment company but you now look like one of the many one man band recrcuiters who appear and disappear on here. Even if you have got http://www.breakthegrid.co.uk to design a website, come up with logos and print a nice brochure and headed notepaper.

    The website for your company (giving your address in East Grinstead) only came into being on 11th Feb 08 (and is only registered for a year 🙂 ) The Google Earth map on the site also appears to show the company is being run out of a house.

    You have 3 job adverts that are just generic "we have jobs with someone somewhere getting paid something". There is no mention of any affiliation to any "sister" company in the States.

    I realise people have to start somewhere but mentioning "we are a sister company of a US based company. " to try and make it look like you are a big international company – unless of course this means your SISTER has set up a company in the States?

    totally my point! would you trust "somebody" who works out of his house with YOUR MONEY? do you want to work for 60 days and HOPE you get paid?

    we all know we wont have that problem with ukps / proffs / hpruk / subserve ect

    rather than some fly by night one man band who may or may not be trading next week

    imho of course 🙂


    I would seriously think twice about going to UKPS after their recent foibles regarding tax issues. Would you trust them !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Hello Gentlemen,

    First off I aplogise for the replying back to your comments. Some of you may know and some off you may not but I have been in the process of being bought out by an american company who is looking for a presence in the UK.

    As for the company being run from home, that is not the case, I have an office and a number of staff.

    The reasons why I left Mansell I have stated in other threads. So there is no need to go other that again.

    I could of had the company registered to a London address but that would just be for show. Yes, I am a small company but didnt UKPS and co start off as a small company once?

    Again, I have a good reputation and believe it or not, I am very good at what I do.

    Best Regards,
    Ben Burns


    Yet again it amazes me to see that the opinions of the few are forced on the many.

    From speaking to Mansell I know the reasons Ben left and it is nothing to do with work.

    I am sure Chris Kemp and co had similar hurdles to get over when they started. I also know of two work agencies in my local area who run the business from home.

    I mean to do the job you only need a couple of computers a phoneline and a coffee machine.

    How about we let the people who use Bens service post there opinions and not just start this mob mentality attitude which always comes up whenever someone is trying to do something new.

    There seems to be some sort of old guard of lets protect the big boys with there fancy offices.

    Lets get real if he has no office he has no overheads and no reason not to pass some of that saving to us in the form of a slightly elevated day rate.
    Basic economics if you ask me.

    Good Luck Benn.

    Scott Beveridge

    I’ve worked for an agency that worked out of the home. No problems with pay or travel and got the pay that I wanted. This all equates to me as no problem and more competition (eg: higher rates).

    Good luck Ben


    Lads….for the record Ben landed me my best job yet .

    Ben came thru with everything he had offered…..it did not happen over night .
    In addition……he has done the business more than once and it might be just my experience but at least I can comment with more validity than those of us who preach from others experience.

    Let us not forget…it is up to the individual to hold up his end of the deal.

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