Home Forums General General Board IMCA C005 ROV Competencies pdf

IMCA C005 ROV Competencies pdf

Home Forums General General Board IMCA C005 ROV Competencies pdf

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  • #1467
    Ray Shields

    Does anyone have a PDF copy of IMCA C005 IMCA Guidance on Competence Assurance & Assessment – Guidance Document and Competence Tables – Remote Systems & ROV Division I could get a copy of?



    This looks like C001-C005 in 1 pdf file: http://info.ogp.org.uk/liftingandhoisting/RPR/IMCAcompetence.pdf


    Contact IMCA and they will send you one- for a small fee. Alternatively ask your company if they have a copy, surely they would.

    Ray Shields

    Contact IMCA and they will send you one- for a small fee. Alternatively ask your company if they have a copy, surely they would.

    Pay money? Im no doing that 🙂

    Ron, that looks like what I was after, thanks. I have a half dozen of them on PDF already I was just wanting to check something on the competencies.

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