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  • #1475

    Is it me! or is this whole forum being hijacked by wannabees?? It wouldn’t be so bad if they kept to the newbee / wannabee threads, sorry but there you go.
    Geesea break guys 😡

    Scott Beveridge

    They seem to be well informed…. NOT!!!! But they got the self-important business down pat!!!


    Wow and intelligent thread at last. If this has not been put on here for a reaction then I am the pope.

    But seriously check you B***h get over yourself.

    To be honest I am getting tired of the good old boys making out how fantastic they are when at the end of the day most of them are on here bitching about how crap new boys are rather than pushing them to improve and get up to speed.

    Grow up gents it is not just an industry full of late 30’s ex divers or ex military anymore. Young kids are coming through the systems with ideas and expectations and it is tiresome that all they get is put down and told what they say is rubbish.

    It is without doubt the older guys who are dragging this site down not the newbies.


    Ummm…….. 😕

    Helpmaboab……..if you’re referring to the repetative questions that people ask without reading the forums then I agree. I wouldn’t call this hijacking though ❓

    I do agree with Jim overall, the site is for everyone. There’s good and bad everywhere and that’s the way it is. I’d rather see one successful person out of a hundred pointelss posts than none. At the end of the day we all had to start somewhere and no-one makes you read the threads do they!?


    Scott Beveridge

    Ummm…….. 😕

    Helpmaboab……..if you’re referring to the repetative questions that people ask without reading the forums then I agree. I wouldn’t call this hijacking though ❓

    I do agree with Jim overall, the site is for everyone. There’s good and bad everywhere and that’s the way it is. I’d rather see one successful person out of a hundred pointelss posts than none. At the end of the day we all had to start somewhere and no-one makes you read the threads do they!?



    Without starting a piss-contest………………….. PM me


    A FAQ sticky wouldnt go a miss.


    There is a FAQ bit on the site already. It could possibly be extended to cover more of the questions that are being seen on the site.

    Maybe a thread should be started to list these and then some sensible answers could be obtained to make it easier on James to sort out.

    Oops sorry there was me thinking that as adults it would not descend into a load of rubbish written by bitter twisted grumpy old men who should go and climb back under whichever rock they crawled out from at the start of there careers.

    Rant complete.

    Ray Shields

    I thought a lot of the newbie questions were already answered. Many of the questions answered are already answered several times on the forum, but they still get asked.

    However, I’ll review the FAQs and see if theer are any others that can be added (and maybe make it smaller simpler answers!)


    To be honest I think the questions keep getting asked because trawling through the forums can be a real pain if you do not have a lot of time.

    As for the FAQs’ maybe they could be displayed in a more prominant position to highlight them. I only really had a quick glance at them for the first time today.

    What concerns me is that a lot of guys start spouting off which puts off potential new blood some of who may be quite good. A lot of the posts when a question is asked do drop into childish drivel very quickly.

    Andy Shiers

    😯 Wow luckyjim37 , Three posts of yours on this thread and all of them about grumpy old men 😕
    Now ……………………………who’s causing the arguement 😀

    Scott Beveridge


    Where u at?? Binge Minge?? Grumpy, grumpy, grumble, grumble blah…. blah…. ooops vitamin time….

    Andy Shiers

    Yep 😀
    I’m Binge Minging off to ‘Nam for three weeks then over to Singa’s
    I heard you had better offers else where and wasna coming back 😯
    Is this true ?
    Where is you at the mo ?
    Another grumpy not so old man 😆
    Where’s me tea ‘n biscuits 😡

    Scott Beveridge


    Offers have (usually) been better but I still like working in the back yard.

    Timing is important to me and I will be elsewhere (a sabbatical) if the timing doesn’t work out. Cest la vie!

    Watch out for the typhoid breakout in Ho Chi Minh…

    Ya’ know where tae find the tea n’ biscuits!!!



    forkandels and i say hello! 🙂

    I am told there is cornettos and chocolate on the "minge"

    We, down here in the cheap seats want to know!

    see you in Vietnam my bonnie prince!!

    Andy Shiers

    Yep 😀
    All the fat boy needs
    Cornettos , chocolate , free cans , stickies , pringles and fresh food 🙂
    Have ya managed to mangle the sub ‘n TMS on spools yet 😆
    How’s the Mid-life crisis ? Beemaboy says it’s down to the small appendage or the extension to your appendage 😯

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