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Whats your preference – mobile or fixed system?

Home Forums General General Board Whats your preference – mobile or fixed system?

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  • #1504

    Give your reasons

    Andy Shiers

    What a strange poll 😕


    Yeah joke 😆


    For moi…fixed any day..although more technical and not as generic as old A-frame over the side….there is the isue of the winter weather…full stop!

    Sure trainnees might take longer to come to grasp but they haven’t mobbed a system twice in a week!!!


    I think I know what you are getting at ,MechTech, but the poll question would have very different connotations when tied-in with your first comment, i.e.

    whats best for trainees learning on blah blah blah…

    To answer the trainee thing, I’d have to go with old-skool mobbed systems, and for me personally(an ex-trainee) I’d prefer the fixed systems.


    I would have to go for Mobile Systems for trainees.

    The main reason for this is that you will be surprised how many people do not know how to mob & demob an ROV system or have at least forgotten how if they have been working on fixed systems for a lengthy period.

    From a training point of view they will also learn how the LARS & ROV system works more easily & quickly if they are assembling it frequently.


    For experience you have got to do a few mobs and demobs. Mind you I have worked on mobile systems for the past 12 years, during that time I had a five year stint where I missed all the mob demobs, then over the past few years have had about 8 to do. Personally I would love to try a nice fixed installation under cover and out of the wind and rain. Oh! What luxury.

    In the end though an ROV is and ROV wither work class or eyeball. They are all fun and have their own lessons to teach us.

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