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    Bluewhale having sacked their ROV operations manager on friday, were run off their own project on sunday, and no longer support any SMD ROV’s operational in China.

    Paul Bond

    Was it CB that got the chop?


    Was it CB that got the chop?

    Ah ‘Martini shaken not stirred’,

    You’ve been quiet for a long time!! anyway unfortunately (depending how you look at it) he has survived to fight another day, by offering his ROV ops manager up as a sacraficial lamb for his blunders. But there is a train fo thought that thinks it is fortunate as ultimately CB will take Bluewhale down with his blundering baffoonery




    Just to make things seem logical this post was originally by ex-member Savechange who is sadly no longer with us
    anyhow he said that the news was that Bluewhale Offshore Engineering had been run off it’s only project by CNOOC
    and no longer supported any working SMD vehicles in China

    From all accounts the Venom was killed by Bluewhale so they brought the Quark out of mothballs and then killed it also so then SONSUB has had to step in to replace them


    The Venom ROV is inoperable due to main HPU motor failure (primarily due to poor long term maintenance, pre-dating bluewhales involvement in the system and the ROV owners poor acquisition of the necessary spares) and has been de-mobilised. Bluewhale has a contract to do complete refurbishment of the Venom.
    The Quark ROV was provided by COOEC and was dead from the start with no spares. Bluewhale persuaded the client to allow a test dive before commiting the ROV to the project. The Quark failed during the test dive and was immediately de-mobilised. Bluewhale now has a contract to do complete refurbishment of the Quark.
    Sonsubs XL17 will be assigned to the project with Sonsub singapore crew as soon as customs is cleared. Bluewhales PP918 remains on the project crewed by Veoliaes.
    Bluewhale remains in operational control of the Nanhai Tiaozhan moorig replacement project using 3 Sonsub ROVs (Sonsub is a contractor to the Client), 1 bluewhale ROV and 2 DP vessels.
    Bluewhale remains in operational control (in conjunction with Acergy) of the upcoming Liuhua 11-1 flowline replacement project.
    I am Chris Barclay, Chief Engineer, Bluewhale. Anyone elses ‘facts’ relating to Bluewhale are at best supersition.
    Anything stated anonymously or using a pseudonym should be taken with a large pinch of salt.


    Thank you Chen for backing up my previous message with facts,

    Chen stated

    The Venom ROV is inoperable

    Chen stated

    The Quark failed during the test dive

    SMD stated

    Bluewhale Offshore Engineering Technology. Co., Ltd is SMD’s exclusive representative in China providing sales and through life support for SMD equipment supplied in China.

    So no operational SMD vehicles in China, and very clear who is supporting the equipment and has since the equipment’s purchase.


    Thank you for confirming my earlier expectations, like I said anything said anonymously is best taken with a pinch of salt as I notice that you forgot to add your real name to the post! A shame really because your obviously quite a smart guy and it would be interesting to enter into a meaningful discussion.

    The through life support thing is true, thats why Bluewhale is managing the complete refurbishment of both Venom & Quark ROVs.

    It is true that Bluewhale is the agent for SMD in China (also OceanWorks, Oilstates and Seaeye) and has cooperative arangements with CTC and Veoliaes. Through OceanWorks and Veoliaes cooperative agreements the standard of maintenance and operation of the ROVs operated by Bluewhale will undoubtedly significantly improve.


    Ah chen,

    I’m not that easy.

    Anyway Time Will Tell – Time Always Tells

    Needless to say as you no doubt realise by now I have an inside man so I will always know your position.

    What poor Patsy are you lining up to replace your ROV Ops Manager that was sacked last week.


    Just show some commitment to the statements you are making and provide your name.
    if you are who I expect then I had always assumed you to be big enough not to hide behind a nickname and if you’re not man enough to come out into the open then it can only be to avoid exposing your own record to scrutiny.

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