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Who is in charge ???????

Home Forums General General Board Who is in charge ???????

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    I have done some work for Deep Ocean in the past.
    Been very impressed with there set up and am considering working for them (if they will have me)


    As i have said Deep Ocean on the whole seems ok .
    its the people you have to deal with in the office that sometimes sour things.

    So before i take the plunge could you let me know what the ROV maneger is like.

    Sorry to mention names but there is no other way to find out.

    Keith Lathwell

    Greatfull for any help 😳


    So you are actually going to make your decision without seeing for yourself…….not the best way to go the majority of times.

    Then again with such limited judgement ,such practises it is usually easy for the company in question to read your character.


    Thanks for that word of wisdom rovbolic.

    As stated i have done some work for them but as so often it all comes apart when the people in the office turn out to be lying bastards(4wks turns into 7 wks etc) this is why i am asking .

    I would just like some feed back to help my decision.




    I think rovbionic was trying to point out (in a not very polite way) was that asking about individuals on an open forum probably isn’t a good idea.

    There isn’t a manager – or supervisor for that matter- out there who hasn’t pissed someone off at some point. An open, anonamous forum is the perfect vehicle for people to vent off.

    Try asking if anyone has had bad experiences with Deep Ocean, and what, in their veiw, was the cause of it.


    You still ROVing ?
    Last time I spoke to you you had some great new invention that was going to make you your fortune.
    Guess not then ?


    Fair point rovnumpty. not the best idea granted.

    quaich i think you might have me mixed up with some one else.
    the only thing i have invented is the tomatoe sauce and salad cream sandwich but its not made me my fortune so you did guess right i am still roving.


    Maybe more than one Keith Lathwell, and I really hope there isn’t. (meant in the nicest possible way)
    Guy I knew is ex Navy and worked on their Phantom ROV I think.
    He was possibly a Navy diver.
    Leaving the Navy got a start in ROV industry with a little help from guy with initials AN.

    That you ?????????

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