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Under Water Centre Mentioned in Tritons Flotation

Home Forums General General Board Under Water Centre Mentioned in Tritons Flotation

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    One of Triton’s key areas of expertise is remotely operated vehicles – a booming area of demand in the oil and gas industry.

    Fuelled by the search for black gold in ever deeper waters, the world of ROVs is pioneering advances in technology.

    As a result, the demand for skilled pilots and technicians is said to be at an all-time high.

    According to the Underwater Centre, a subsea training school based in Fort William, a newly qualified, inexperienced pilot technician straight from an ROV course can expect to earn about £150 a day. Team leaders with several years’ experience can earn four times that sum.

    © 2008 – Scotsman.com Business


    Just like they used to say all North Sea Diver’s earned 1000 a day as well

    Andy Shiers

    And the ROV can take Three pilots ,
    One in the port can , one in the st’bd can and one in the central pod to turn the camera 😆


    lies ,, damn lies and propaganda ,,,,what a load of tosh .


    These are easily achievable figures these days.


    a newly qualified, inexperienced pilot technician straight from an ROV course can expect to earn about £150 a day. Team leaders with several years’ experience can earn four times that sum.

    These are easily achievable figures these days.

    £150 a day is easily achievable as you say but the £600 is out of reach to all but a very small minority.

    £425 to £450 is top of the range for most Supervisors at the moment I would say.

    Andy Shiers

    Give it another month and the whore market will go up 😀

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