This is one carried over from the old forum
It is actually 91 days (3 months).
If you are working on a time on/time off contract, and you return to the same place offshore after your time off, the recreation time is counted towards your 91 days i.e the 91 day clock does not start again.
Here is the official ATO ruling:
” Subsection 23AG(1) of the ITAA 1936 provides that where a resident taxpayer is engaged in foreign service for a continuous period of not less than 91 days, any foreign earnings derived will be exempt from tax in Australia. ‘Foreign service’ includes service in a foreign country in the capacity as an employee and ‘foreign earnings’ include income consisting of salary and wages (subsection 23AG(7) of the ITAA 1936). ”
Finally, Australia is the worst tax counrty in the world!