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Which course and where?

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Which course and where?

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  • #1574
    Stuart Simmons

    G’day all, 😀
    I’m looking at getting into ROV’s and i’m looking for info as to which course to do!
    I’ve looked up one in OZ which lasts for 3 weeks, one in the Philippines which lasts for 5 weeks and i’ve just read about the Oceaneering course which lasts for 9 weeks!
    Obviously the longer the course the more info one would get out of the course, and i take it all these courses are intro’s to the business?
    I already have a technical background, 9 yrs in the RAF and 4 yrs in the RNZAF, i’m currently working for an Ozzy company on helicopter hydraulics, mainly the servo’s.
    Any info would be greatfully recieved 😛





    Fort William in Scotland :tup:

    *hides behind flame shield* 😉

    Stuart Simmons

    I forgot to mention, i’m in Dubai right now, is the course in the Philippines any good?
    Just out of interest, whats the cost of the one at Fort William?


    Its just under £12k for the 7 week premium course. You can probably claim a good £3-4k back tax wise. Another £2k for inhouse accomidation and upto a grand on beer money as there is nothing to do in Fort William ‘cept drink!

    I cant say if the course in the Philippines is any good. Looking at their site it looks pretty good + free BOSIET &…

    NEW INCREDIBLE SUBNET DOES IT AGAIN to beat all other training Establishments.

    Now EVERY delegate will build/test underwater and KEEP his own small ROV as part of the 3 in 1 course.

    WHY? SO Employers can be assured each delegate completely understands the programming and function of all ROV components etc.


    Its also alot closer to home for you.


    I was going to do the Philippine course but got work without it and on the job training,,I have met guys who have done it and reckon it was a waste of money..but that was 18 Months ago.

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