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  • #1605

    It now seems that you have to suck with the RM to be anywhere in SS. JL is the first and CC second. What about the rest.

    When in doubt give it gas. 😈



    Firstly why would you want to be anywhere with SS? You could climb to the top of that ladder and still be nowhere….Take your frustrations out on your mobile phone…I’d sugest that the number start with +44……

    Secondly you should tread carefully on your JL’s CC’s etc. Whilst I enjoy pulling the piss out of SS, like so many other ex SS employees…..(it’s become a rovworld sport), you should leave the individuals alone dude. Head west and get some real tokens if you’ve got the minerals.


    easy there T.T, have you forgotten they are still

    " the renovators of ROV technology"

    they do a pretty good rebuild on bicycles as well

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