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Company taking on trainees

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    steve walsh

    Hey Guys. I’m new to this and trying to get into the industry. Does anyone know of a company who will take on a trainee without an electronics/hydraulics backround. I’m accepted for a 2-year ROV tech course in fall but that’s a long time to not work


    where is your 2yr ROV tech course ? i assume in the states as you say fall

    Ray Shields

    You will struggle to find work even after doing your training course if you do not have a technical background or qualifications.

    There are so many technically qualified people applying for the same job, you will be way down the list.

    use your time to get some technical experience or qualifications.

    steve walsh

    Bt :

    The 2-yr course is with the Marine Institute in NL Canada

    steve walsh

    Forgot to mention. All previous people through the course had work terms with Oceaneering and now are employed by them.


    kwinnw, Interesting, you say its a 2 yr course, I thought it was 9 mths. Funny u say that all grads are working with oceaneering, if that is so then there can’t be many graduateing. I am familiar with the course, didnt do it, it seems to be a good course, I believe in order to get on the course you are required to have already completed a technical/mechanical of some sort. A little word to the wise and not to sound rude, if you do the course, and get hired, remember that it doesn’t mean that you will walk on board and know it all/or even some. I had the pleasure to meet one of the grads from the course, it maybe his way only, but listen/watch/ and learn, his first words were, ya ya I already knew that. That kind of response doesnt go far with the boys. Not saying every grad is like it.

    steve walsh


    Sounds like you met an a-hole. There’s one in every bunch. The 2-yr I’m doing is the first class out of Marine. We’re the test run I guess. They still run the 9-month and you do need a Technical certificate in electronics etc.The guy at Oceaneering did tell me they were looking to revamp the 9-month as there were very few people applying, 5 last year. I’m hoping they will let me do the 9-month but so far my e-mails have gone unanswered. Do you know anything about the job prospects abroad for anyone who comes out of a course like this?


    2 – year course sounds good; I wouldn`t have thought that you would have any problem in getting a job after it.
    What qualification does it give you on completion????

    steve walsh

    After 2-yrs ,you get an ROV Pilot/technician certification

    Ray Shields

    After 2-yrs ,you get an ROV Pilot/technician certification

    Which is recognised by who as a national or International standard? The Underwater Centre in Fort William give you one of those after a few weeks on a training course, as does the one in Subic Bay. Its a piece of paper that is not recognised as any kind of standard.


    As rayshields says, who gives the accreditation to the certification? Do you spend any time offshore during the 2 years of training?

    No matter how much training you do onshore, you will be like a rabbit caught in headlights on your first trip offshore. The last thing a supervisor needs is a pilot/tech with a certificate that thinks he is trained but is essentially clueless on his first trip offshore.


    You must get more than that for that length of time.Surerly you must at least get a National vocational qualification.
    Subserve ( training Company ) used to give you a start of a NVQ in Engineering Maintenance and then you completed offshore after 3/4 week induction course, although that was about ten years ago.
    Point is seems a long time for no qualification as most company`s will give you a cert for pilot after you start with them.
    You could do an HND in that time.
    think you should look more into it. Unless they are paying you to do it or a full time position at the end.
    Good luck

    steve walsh

    You’ve confirmed my fears. This is a direct quote from the 9-month ROV Tcchnical Certificate program. I can only assume the 2-yr is similar.


    This is a post-diploma program designed for students with a strong technology background in mechanics, electronics, and/or electrical technology who wish to pursue further education in the area of Remotely Operated Vehicles. Graduates of the Marine Institute’s ROV Program will be eligible to be certified as ROV Pilot/Technicians Level 2. At this level they will have the knowledge to operate, maintain and repair an ROV. They will have the basic training in ROV deployment methodologies that encompasses safety, inspection, and operation and working load requirements. Under the terms of the draft guidelines being produced by the Diver Certification Board of Canada, they will have to successfully complete a ROV candidate aptitude test before commencement of the program."

    Anyone have thoughts on this


    kwinnw, PM me some info, background work, marley.



    Here you go your assuming that a 9 month course is the same as a 2-yr course.???
    very unlikely your talking about an extra 15 months i would assume that there is a national qualification of some sort.
    You need to find out what your doing for the other 15 months. As if you need a tech background for the 9 month course and not the 2-yr.
    investigate more.

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