Home Forums General General Board West Africa – Would you/have you worked there?

West Africa – Would you/have you worked there?

Home Forums General General Board West Africa – Would you/have you worked there?

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    James McLauchlan

    It’s a big area with a plethora of countries functioning at different levels of civilisation. I’ve been there a few times… Angola & Gabon, but not Nigeria.

    Have you worked over in West Africa, what was your experience, would you go back?

    What should guys look out for when being asked to work there…. visa’ travel, pay rates etc.

    Paul Bond

    I worked off Angola, mobbing / demobbing in Point Noire, Congo. Weather was nice, people were eager to get rid of the rubbish – they were emptying the skips before they even landed on the quay side. The locals are very resourceful – they removed the system decklead over night while the LARS was on the quayside!!
    Airports were a bit chaotic – had to pay an exit tax of one tin of mozzie spray to an official!
    Had a good time and would go back again.


    I have not done any ROV jobs in West Africa …but when i used to do telecom work I had experience of Senegal, Guinea Bissau, Ghana and Nigeria.

    In Senegal all our equipment was ripped of and we nearly starved to death.
    in Guinea Bissau i was involved in 3 gun battles, and yes i did shoot back.
    in Nigeria we were robbed by customs of all the valuable test equipment and one of my crew was stabbed and we needed armed security to do our job..
    Only Ghana was OK .

    i would be happy once offshore in Nigeria,Angola or Congo but wary of transiting those places without getting ripped off.

    Andy Shiers

    Okay, Without bullshit and to the point !
    Anybody offering you a job down there (West Africa) should be looking at around 750:00 POUNDS STERLING , Yes that is what I have been offered a few times. BUT declined the offer. ! WHY …….. Because it is a shithole of a continent where life is cheap and corrupt.
    Get in contact with the foreign Orifice to check out the state of play before excepting any job !
    EVERY YEAR there are people abducted or murdered who work for the Oil industry down there and OUR industry is small so you have a fairly good idea how close nit this industry is !
    Wanting to get a job in Our industry is all well and good But is it worth having your money ripped off , Jailed , Assaulted , Kiddnapped or murdered ? Think of your family before you accept a contract not just the money ! If you do go down there ( After all the comments and warnings from people like myself who HAVE been there ! ) And something happens to you , You will get No sympathy from me and I would not donate a penny to someone Stupid enough to to take the gamble !
    Big grown man or not , Your’e still daft to except it !
    But if you want the Dare devil adventure……………… Go ahead , Only You have been Warned !
    Root beer anyone ?


    Of course, working/living in shitholes is one thing and going offshore of them is entirely another.

    Nigeria is not a place I would work or live in, but I have no problem working offshore if security and travel arrangements are well handled. Saipem have crew-changes though Cameroon and had no drama to date.

    Having said that the most recent attack by MEND 120k offshore in the Shell Bonga Field is cause for concern. Shell won’t be happy with their ongoing shut down and loss of production (200,000 barrel per day). I bet that the smarter expats on that project will be thinking twice about returning.



    I have been working Angola, Congo, Nigeria, OK its many years ago but i am never to return again, never.

    Andy Shiers

    I understand where you are coming from Axeman and would agree but for TWO incidents which happened Africa last year.
    One of them was a crew boat which was Nabbed 3 miles offshore by ………………………. Pirates ( Pirates who convieniently have a house onshore close to the village next to the town Bla Bla Bla ) The other Incident involved ( Supposedly armed guards who ran off ) Driver and two passengers , One American , Don’t know the other . Both were shot !
    These are not the first and most certainly will not be the last !

    Andy Shiers

    Wouln’t it be great , If………………. All Expats Downtooled and went home πŸ˜€ The middle east would stop working , There would be Chaos and Africa would grind to a halt πŸ˜†





    Congo as well,- No problem.

    Monkey 8)


    Ok hear what all you guys saying. As I compose this little anecdote I am sat in Lagos after having been pulled off site due to security problems ( the security vessel was taken) Thats very reassuring. That was before the Bonga attack. MEND have also brought their cease fire to an end due to UK prime minister backing Nigerian government. Things are going to get worse before better corruption is rife and very transparent. Us common sense. As where ever you go.

    Congo is good O not many problems at all and reasonably safe.

    Angola I will support what has been already written


    I’ve done a wee bit of work down them there parts over the last few years, all as marine crew.

    Ivory coast, we were there just after the last load of bad curfews, no problems at all.

    Pointe-Noir, once again no problems at all.

    Malabo, Had a month working there and no problems.

    Luanda, No problems worked from there for a while last year.

    Lobito, No problems at all.

    Just from my own personel experiences only though folks. I stood my ground over Nigeria though. I stated I was willing to walk if they tried to send me there and stuck to my guns.

    Hope this helps.


    Russell Coffield

    Africa = Not good……

    Best avoided been there on various projects, had to buy my way though customs etc.. usually third word issues,corruption, massive crime, lack of education, bad medical care if you go keep your eyes and ears open you will be reasonably ok, dont carry cash that way they cant steal it off you, only use debit cards at real banks etc dont use in hotels or stores you will be ripped off…this is a a common problem..

    with all the hassle i would rather pay the tax in Norway…..

    Just be careful i would avoid if you could..


    Africa = Not good……

    Best avoided been there on various projects, had to buy my way though customs etc.. usually third word issues,corruption, massive crime, lack of education, bad medical care if you go keep your eyes and ears open you will be reasonably ok, dont carry cash that way they cant steal it off you, only use debit cards at real banks etc dont use in hotels or stores you will be ripped off…this is a a common problem..

    with all the hassle i would rather pay the tax in Norway…..

    Just be careful i would avoid if you could..

    Totally agree with this,

    I would only go there if i had no choice, and i am very glad to say i have not had to go there for years! πŸ™‚

    but never say never……. and when i was starting out i would have gone to the gates of hell for piss poor pay to "get in" so if you do go,
    BE CAREFUL, especialy if your a newbie.



    Can i ask why you guys want to work a place where you need armed guard when you go to work, i dont get it, maybe i am the stupid one.

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