Home Forums General General Board Falling value of the Pound Stirling… US$ Looking better ?

Falling value of the Pound Stirling… US$ Looking better ?

Home Forums General General Board Falling value of the Pound Stirling… US$ Looking better ?

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  • #1771

    Since that tw*t Darling shot his mouth off over the state of the UK economy the Pound has been in the shitter…. From around $2.00 to $1.76 in a matter of days..

    Suddenly the $US dollar jobs in the Arabian Gulf, Brazil and Asia are looking better and better

    averages of 900 – 1000 $US a day for Supv’s (510 – 565 quid)


    800 – 850 for SPT’s (454 – 480 quid)

    Not too mention the Aussie rates which are great right now..

    I’m guessing there maybe a groundswell away from the UK paid jobs…

    As the US election nears there a pretty good chance the US buck will strengthen further….

    Working direct with no tax,bonus etc maybe the way to go ?

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