Home Forums Safety, Survival Courses & Medicals Offshore Medicals Accepted Medical conditions?

Accepted Medical conditions?

Home Forums Safety, Survival Courses & Medicals Offshore Medicals Accepted Medical conditions?

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    Andy Howie

    I have recently been for an interview for a trainee ROV technician and i think it went quite well. problem is i have a medical condition and regardless where i look i cant find anything online to give a list of accepted and unacceptable medical conditions. I suffer from polycycstic kidney disease and it i suffer no problems from it whatsoever and i feel fighting fit for offshore work.

    Any help is much needed and will be most appreciated

    James McLauchlan

    I know nothing about the condition you mention but feel that the best approach would be to obtain a letter from your doctor/specialist stating that you have the above condition plus have them indicate that it would in no way pose a problem for offshore work. When you go for an offshore medical show it to them an ask them to take it into account and make a note on your file that you have declared openly that you have this condition. What they choose to do from that point on is I guess, patient doctor privilege.

    Andy Howie

    could be worth a try, thanks for your help


    If you want to check it out before you tell the Doctor and maybe hurt your chances of gettting a pass, you may want to invest in the UKOOA Guidelines for Examiners:

    Medical Aspects of Fitness for Offshore Work: Guidance for Examining Physicians, Issue No. 6, April 2008


    UK$68 for Non-Members.


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