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  • #1837

    Anybody know what is happening with the Solitair ?
    We are currently removing bombs etc from the lay route on a less than salubrious vessel 😳 MT EAS
    The sooner the Solitair gets here the sooner we get oot o here!!!


    Bibby Topaz will recover the part of Solitaire’s stinger that broke off after it hit the seabed.
    It might be that the Solitaire will return to Corrib next year. So you might have to spent Christmas over there 😉
    And don’t forget to check the local Shell office for bombs.


    Cheers Ron,

    bollockos to Christmas though, well not on this bucket, another one for the vessel blacklist.
    The Solitair is meant to be down in egypt on the 15th Oct HaHa!

    Oh well, Carry on with the weetabix. 😥

    Mind you we could be on the Scabby 6, or any Scabby for that matter.
    Feel better now I have thought of that 😯


    Bloody Hell!!! is that bucket still floating??? I once spent a new year onboard her about 3 miles offshore holland. What a bag of hammers she was.




    she left her sheltered water berth on the west coast of scotland for Algeciras last week


    Hey the industry in busy 🙄 Shite that you couldn’t give away 5 years back is now on hire for a huge dayrate.. Same as the personel.. Hopeless cu*ts that you ran off ten years ago are now back as Supervisors on top dollar pay.. 😯 Just goes to show how desperate the companies are.. However if you are a long termer, reliable and good at your job be prepared to be fu*ked over, ignored and treated with the contempt that only familarity can garner.. 😡 If more experienced key personel dug their heels in and said the work site isn’t up to standard we might see an improvement in conditions and pay too…

    Scott Beveridge

    Heah, heah!!! Well said my reprobate chap!!! I back those statements 100%!

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