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Posting multiple times!

Home Forums General General Board Posting multiple times!

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  • #1864
    James McLauchlan

    Hey all,

    As some of you are no doubt aware recently somebody decided to post (The same post) a number of times in various sections of this Forum.

    Not only is multiple posting not allowed here, or in any other Forum as a general rule, the content made my blood boil!

    NEVER offer money to get a job offshore or offer to work for free!!

    It may seem like a good idea to some people but if it became common practice it would kill rates!

    The offending account has been deleted.


    On this topic – We would appreciate some help here.

    If there is a post that offends or is way out of line please let site admin know rather than reply online, then leave us to clean up something when we stumble across it hours (or as we work offshore, it could be days?) later.

    If you saw an oil spill offshore on deck you would do something about it. Or would you just say something and leave it at that and wait for the ships crew to clean it up when they eventually see it?

    So please tell us via PM or contact form and we will fix it as soon as we get the message, assuming we have internet access at the time.

    best regards
    James Mc

    Stephen Black

    I agree about the multiple posting, but to remove the content because you dont agree with it goes too far. Except for abuse.

    What happens to the next member who post something you dislike ?

    If someone wants to work for free thats up to them.

    Often students are looking for work experience and at times work for free for a few days

    I dont think to many people could afford to pay someone to work, so I do not belive that it would be a threat.

    I just shows that the poster is a tosser and makes the rest of us look good


    If you work for free your a ar55eh0le, what’s next? do your first trip free then 1/2 rate for the second job? (well, its gets you in the door)

    If i trainee turned up here on no or next to no pay he would not be leaving the accommodation as he would clearly be to stupid to be allowed on deck.

    James McLauchlan

    It was abuse. The poster posted the same content five times that I am aware of and nine times was suggested by another member.
    The poster was therefore abusing the system. I don’t like that either.

    There are plenty of posts in this Forum that I may dislike but I do not simply delete them because they may not suit what I think at the time.
    We’ve been running this site for around Eight years now and I would suggest that you don’t know me well enough to suggest that I simply delete posts that I may dislike.

    For example. I don’t like this:

    If someone wants to work for free thats up to them.

    Often students are looking for work experience and at times work for free for a few days

    The offshore ROV industry is not a place for students wanting to work free for a few days! It’s not like we are flipping Beef Burgers for Burger King!! It’s definitely not a place for people to front up for free. For a start they will get no respect from the other people on the job and secondly I’m sure Mr Shell or Mr BP might have issues with the idea because no doubt the company the student is working free for will be charging that person out to them!

    So you turn up and work for nothing, then the company wants you to go out on your second job, for nothing. At which point do you suggest they should pay you something?

    Stephen Black

    Like I said it just makes us look good


    Thanks James:

    The offshore ROV industry is not a place for students wanting to work free for a few days! It’s not like we are flipping Beef Burgers for Burger King!! It’s definitely not a place for people to front up for free. For a start they will get no respect from the other people on the job and secondly I’m sure Mr Shell or Mr BP might have issues with the idea because no doubt the company the student is working free for will be charging that person out to them!

    I couldn’t have put it better. Slave labour was abolished a long time back, now we have cretins volunteering to be slaves for rich multinational companies. What Ar5e4ole5!

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