Home Forums General General Board Have you ever been paid late or not paid at all?

Have you ever been paid late or not paid at all?

Home Forums General General Board Have you ever been paid late or not paid at all?

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  • #1876
    James McLauchlan

    This one comes up from time to time and I’ve seen it hinted at in another recent thread under a different topic heading.

    Lets try and bring out into the open any examples of late or non payment you may have experienced when working for an operator or agency.
    If a pattern emerges it may highlight some of the worst offenders.

    Please note:
    In line with forum protocol please do not mention people by name.
    Any posts referring to people in person will be edited or deleted.
    Company names can be mentioned.
    Please back up any instances with facts.

    Why all the rules? Because for some reason, in the past, people thought this Forum was a medium for abusing people in person. That is not the case.


    I take it we are refering to mainly ………………….. Agencies ?

    Scott Beveridge

    I take it we are refering to mainly ………………….. Agencies ?


    As James said " people in person"… "company names can be mentioned"

    Companies meaning either operators or agencies. NO PEOPLES NAMES.

    Ironic… Just sent off an email concerning possible late payment – first time for this particular company I just worked for so I’m not naming it.

    James McLauchlan

    No not mainly agencies….

    Any company. The reason I say this is because in Asia it is quite common practice for companies to hire day rate direct and not via an agency.
    It’s also an accepted practice in Europe although less common these days.

    Winston Damerius

    I worked Aug/Sep 2008 for a company in the middle east (Iran) called DEEP SEA KISH.

    Got a signed contract. But up to NOW ( Jan 2009 ) i didn’t get paid.
    A few times i called & wrote but just got excuses … nothing happend.

    So guys … DO NOT WORK WITH THAT COMPANY because whatever you do you don’t get paid for your work. That sucks!!! 🙁

    Scott Beveridge

    To all,

    ME companies (owned by locals) have a penchant for being late as well as non-payers not only to employees but vendors also. If you read your contract – and those over there don’t take too long to go through – you’ll find that there’s a slew of human rights usually trashed.


    I have also worked for this company in the past. And they didnt pay me ether. The condisions you work under are also very poor. So remember that name guys and be carefull. DeepSeaKish

    Benny Edelman

    Dont order a deep sea Quiche in a restaurant either. 😆

    Graeme Hoyle

    Oceaneering paid me late three times last year because of different regions, and I was staff not agency. One of the reasons I left them.


    Beware of Hydrodive Nigeria, they don’t pay in full either & also Seatrax in Singapore, they don’t pay at all.


    Rovo if you wish to post your views and get the best response it would be better to post on


    As Hydrodive is mainly a Diving company

    The guys there will be able maybe to put you right but Hydrodive has to be one of the best payers (Ie you get paid) for that region and the guys will also say that on Longstreath apart from if you go home before the end of your agreed rotation not sure what position you went out there as?

    About Seatrax why did they not pay who is behind that operation?
    Client & Company you worked for?

    I have worked for Hydrodive my self and know loads of guys who have and i am in contact even today with guys offshore on the S3000 in West Africa on a Sat project there.

    Why did Hydrodive short pay you?


    Hi Guys

    Just to let you know that DeepSeaKish are looking for personnel so if you wish to work for nothing please contact them .



    James McLauchlan

    Recently I received a similar email from a colleague… whilst I have no experience of this company it does seem that they have been mentioned in a bad light a few times in the past.

    Tread carefully.


    Yep Seatrax Singapore – stay well clear – 3 of us have not yet been paid for a job in 2007!! – The boss drives a brand new BMW though – but is a real git.


    Thats great info but has anyone worked for thoes named and shamed with out any problems. I have been late payed by other companies but have always got what i was owed in the end. I hope never to be begging for whats mine as it can amount to a lot of cash so my heart goes out to you guys and i hope you come good in the end.

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