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Deep Ocean Phantom XLT ROV?

Home Forums General General Board Deep Ocean Phantom XLT ROV?

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  • #1985

    Hi everybody,

    Has anyone of you got any work experience with this the above mentioned ROV?

    I would appreciate if you could post your opinion.

    I am mostly interested in typical faults/weaknesses and opposite also the positive side.


    Scott Beveridge

    Hey Aqua dude,

    Ya’ know…. it took several months or years to find out / re:read about any particular ROV in the tech logs or as it (unfortunately is…) is in many SEng or Supv. back pocket (drongos in OI pls take note esp in SEA….) . Soooooo, I suggest you do the obvious, as in any biz,…. suc arse and hope somebody gives you some info or instruction…. ain’t nutin’ free son…. free forums only go so far….


    Hi Scottie

    Why do you even bother replying when you are not helping, but only spreading a negative trend about not helping each other.

    Where I come from we still help each other….even for free.

    I am really not interested n a sad negative reply that looks as if it is written from the grave or some place sadder.

    Have a nice day though 🙂

    Scott Beveridge

    Hi Scottie

    Why do you even bother replying when you are not helping, but only spreading a negative trend about not helping each other.

    Where I come from we still help each other….even for free.

    I am really not interested n a sad negative reply that looks as if it is written from the grave or some place sadder.

    Have a nice day though 🙂

    Thanks Aqua,

    Yes, perhaps you’re correct…. that was a (bit) negative…… But please… (I did say please) hear me out… (back to the nitty-gritty side of the rubbish). Please let me digress.. (which I’m quite capable on doing on myself – thank you very much…) – so, …. I did say "perhaps" didntI???"
    Positive – negative … what da flux??? Where you live is much more important in where you are from and what you aspire to be…. (my quote dude – dudess….) take it for what it it’s worth…………..ad infinumum


    Sorry, J. Lee Hooker has precedence – amazing that—– okay, okay,…./. sending
    Bloddy plonkers…..
    Hey, everybody – have a good one…
    peace, Scott


    I dont get your point by that reply eighter so lets end it.

    Hopefully somone could give me some relevant pointers.



    I would expect you have gone to Perry’s site.

    Older Triton or XL pretty much same interface…try arming yourself with older drawings.Maybe a trencher version with as per required plumbinging and software interface.

    Whats your experience on Perry’s?

    Most of us have a truck load of deck notes for all the vehicles we work on and compare notes as I am sure scotbev does with his vast years of experience.

    It does piss one off when you see all the lads out there who dont keep a basic set of notes for a job…even if I were agencey and never saw the hybird sub…I would recommend to get the basic pin outs ,hyd tooling arangment and CV arrangement on notes …hell you got 12 hours a shift.

    Good luck.

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