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DOFsubsea Australia

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    Anyone have any info on DOFsubsea Asia/Australia just thinking of slinging them my CV.

    What ROV’s and boats do they have working out of Asia/Australia and what are they crews like.
    I guess the money is the same as the other big players in Aus.

    Just havent heard much about them….Any info would be good


    Ray Shields

    DOF worldwide seem to have extremely good vessels and the newest ROVs.


    Very good company to work for,so you had better SLING your CV at them.God some people……….


    In Oz they have 3 boats at the moment. Geobay with a Triton SV 1 (museum piece) !! and a XL37. Geosea with an MRV and the small Geosounder.
    Due for a couple of spanking new vessels to arrive over the next year to 1.5 years. Only worked on Geobay which has a good crew. I know they are looking, but dont seem to have too much work on at the moment, although alot of the work is short term fast turnaround so the work situation could all change at a moments notice. Hope so.


    Have worked on Geobay and Geosea for some years before they were sent down under, both are generally good vessels but espesially Geosea are narrow beam and rolles alot in swell. Geobay also if it’s not been fully loaded with fuel and ballast water.
    The XL-37 are the most reliable ROV I have worked on, just keeps on working without any breakdown (if proper maintained) and the TMRV4 was very good. Had thruster problems as all MRV’s but those have been replaced by SubAtlantic’s now and should be working fine. Been some years since I saw it, but think it’s been gently (little..) used the few last years so hopefully it’s OK.


    Thanks for the feedback think I will and see what happens…


    dinnae forget triton 12 on an old flatback (cannae fur the life o me remember her name) where the lack o experience is frightening

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