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Help with Engineering Project?

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    Hi all.

    I am currently studying HND Engineering Systems at college.

    It is a multi-diciplinary engineering course consisting of a mixture of electrical/mechanical/electronic engineering.

    I am required to do a project for the course so I was thinking that ROV’s would be a good choice as they contain electronics/hydraulics/telemetry etc…

    The thing is, i am not sure exactly what to do the project on for ROV’s.

    Does anyone have a suggestion of an interesting project I could do?

    Thanku for your help

    Zan 🙂


    design me an autoloading bolt magazine with a self-loading torque tool for connecting flanges with bolts.

    Magazine to hold 8-16 rounds. System to be held in a titan4 manipulator !


    Thanks for the reply Savante.

    I will look into this one tomorrow. Is this something that has been done before at all?

    Any more suggestions are welcome…the more options I have the better,

    Cheers again


    I really don’t know, but recently observed a job video report where the crew had so few components to rig something together that the vehicle went down with a fishtail-connected to a cut-down shifter and a 4" bolt tie-wrapped in place. Vehicle was recovered to deck from 300m deep each time to put a new bolt in. Lots of time spent, 8mins down, 8 mins up, pissing around to find the work site, setting up, waiting for visibility……… Take two ends of a spool piece and you’ve got quite a bit of time involved.

    Maybe these guys could have magnetised the wrench, put it in a holster and then inserted a new bolt each time at depth, but I think it was a last minute addition to their task plans and they were rushed….. there are good and effective low technology solutions to doing this!! Their method worked fine. However if you were working bad weather conditions, you might have a problem recovering and launching within weather windows. Better to get in once, and then stay down till the whole job is complete.

    maybe it’s not such a good research project, but you need to start thinking about where time is wasted and god, dare I say it, "VALUE ADDED!" and de-risking seemingly trivial tasks…..

    at the end of the day, job was done, but I am sure it could have been done faster and with less exposure to weather conditions if it had been thought through carefully by an engineer. I only suggest this as if you wanted to spend time looking at controls and feedback loops, you could make this project as complicated as you wish….

    Final word though….

    KISS (Keep it simple stupid !!)


    It sounds like an interesting project, I will run it past my lecturers and see if they think it is feasible. One slight hurdle is the fact I am not very competent with ROV’s. The thing that interests me is the mixture of electrical/mechanical components involved.

    Are there any videos or images of how these bolts are normally fitted to the flanges?Just so that I have a clearer picture?

    If anyone else has ideas please let me know

    Thanks again


    Maybe this will lead to some usable inspiration.

    A Modular Control System for Remote Subsea Equipment
    Eric Stephen Smith
    Bachelor of Science
    Mechanical Engineering
    North Carolina State University


    Martin Wareham

    How the so called professionals (that’s me by the way 8O) do it.


    ROV control that is ………….. 😉

    Martin Wareham

    For big! flange type stuff google Brutus, DFCS (Sonsub/Saipem) DMAC (Subsea/Subsea 7) Matis (Stolt/Acergy) among others probably.




    Ok…I have been looking into the feasibility of designing an autoloading bolt magazine with a self-loading torque tool as Savante has suggested.

    I will need some more information such as :

    1)What is the normal procedure for connecting bolts to flanges using an rov?

    2)What torque tool is normally used with the titan 4 manipulator?

    3)Any other information u feel is relevant



    Look up API 13628-8 17H, it’s a standard for ROV tooling interfaces in the ROV industry. I’d also check out the Schilling T4 manipulator manuals….

    It used to be the case in thesis projects that the candidate would present a "review" of the state of the art. Might I suggest that you do this – there are some excellent references re brutus, matis etc that would make a very interesting read !

    … enough from me !!

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