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    šŸ’” China Offshore MYTH Dispelled: šŸ’”

    It seems that my ā€œincident in Chinaā€ has reached epic mythological rumor proportionsā€¦ šŸ˜† so Iā€™d like to set things straight. So, here is what happened in a most abbreviated version:

    First, I have no ill-will, nor have anything derogatory to say towards Bluewhale China as a company (BOETC) and find the CEO, Mr. Gang Luan, a very delightful and forthright man. Under any other circumstances, I would have gladly accepted his most generous employment offer. Regretfully, I can not say the same for a few of his employees and subcontractors hell-bent on ruining his company and donā€™t care to be associated with these guys. (C.B., S.W. & DO.)

    Bluewhale experienced numerous ROV breakdowns during the 3 flow lines replacement for the Nan Hai Tiao Zan to FPSO Liuhua 11-1 Project this year. Sonsub Singapore was mobilized to perform the ROV tasking originally contracted by Bluewhale.

    Upon arrival in Shekou for ROV mobilization onto the Chinese work boat, the Huafa; my opposite Sonsub Supv. and I were accosted by the BOETC Construction Superintendent and the (subcontracted BOETC Construction Supervisor) in a local ā€œestablishmentā€ and informed that we (Sonsub) would be run off by these 2 clowns ASAP! Thus, the gloves came off day one!

    As the Olympics had caused a massive delay in Foreign Work Visas, my opposite and I were taken offshore on the contributing Chinese Vessel, the 709 and transferred back to the Huafa. Why, because we were sent offshore ILLEGALLY under 30 day tourist visas on the sly šŸ˜Æ ! Gotta love working in Asia šŸ˜†

    The job was shite, no laundry, no towels, no midnight meals during 24-hour ops, no nothing. Yep, I clashed with these pukes and stopped all work until things were corrected. Thus begins the pissing contest and power struggle. In my not so humble opinionā€¦I FOOKING WON!!!

    Daily comms between the ROV Shack, the contract construction supv. digressed to routine cursing out and at my opposite supervisor over the local and the VHF Comms. This didnā€™t happen to me because I cursed their arses right back, fooked their bitches on the beach and even bought their ladies drinks right in front of these cunts, just to stir the pot.

    My opposite walked because of this job after being with Sonsub Sing for over 8 years. Prior to and after his departure, I worked almost double shifts keeping these clowns in check.

    My screen name of ā€œOldschoolā€ on this form properly describes my personality towards @$$holes. I stayed only to make life f-ing miserable for these jerks and to prove to everyone just what retards they all are. My replacement opposite freaked out after only 3 days and wanted off the job and another senior P/T walked off the job because of these jerks.

    I documented every f-up, safety violation and stop work I called due to unsafe situations, outright hostilities and there were many. These went to the top of CNOOC/COOEC and back down. I ended up having to remove all comms to the bridge to keep my opposite supervisor and techs from storming the bridge and violating the contract construction supv. for his abusive mouth.

    Long storey short is that the contract construction supv. couldnā€™t back up his fat arsed mouth and got the construction supt. From the 709 to assault me in Shekou China in Annies bar. It was 6:00am, I was plastered and the door opened behind me, I was punched once in the side of the head as I turned to look and injured my left shoulder by striking it against another bar stool. The cheap shoot didnā€™t leave a scratch on my hard headā€¦LOL!

    My opposite and I went after this coward, who jumped into a waiting taxi and ran away like the scarred little biaaatch that he is. We returned to the bar, had a few more drinks and took taxis back to Port Chiwan. Upon arrival, we had to cross the 709 to get back on to the Huafa, tied alongside. This was at approximately 7am.

    At approximately 7:15, I called the Sonsub Office in Shekou to get transportation to have my dislocated shoulder x-rayed and 2 Sonsub Staff came straight to the vessel.

    Meanwhile, the smell of smoke filled the Huafa and it was sounded that the 709 was on fire. My opposite and I departed the vessel, as we were still tied to the towering inferno on the 709ā€™s rear deck. The Panther ROV Control and Work Van on the 709 were ablaze and numerous fire trucks were pumping their system full of water for a very long time.

    I was taken to a medical center by Sonsub staff, medically treated and taken directly to the Shekou Police Station (at my request) by the Sonsub Staff.

    All of the ā€œbar staffā€ were already at the Chinese Police Station (unsolicited) to file complaints against this construction supt. and stated that he shouted out that this was for the contract construction supv. All of the bar employees and my opposite supervisor (present the morning of the attack) gave exacting statements.

    After hours of refusing to settle for money; demanding that this (now fooking trembling/scarred shiteless) construction supt. get a good long arse fooking in a Chinese Prison, I gave in and accepted U.S. $10,000.00 to drop charges. Not bad for taking a single punch that I didnā€™t even feel.

    The Police documented this settlement. This construction supt. paid me $10K in US $100 bills before his C.E.O. (Mr. Gang Luan) at BOETC HQ, with 2 Sonsub Office Staff present as witnesses. Thereafter, everyone was told to leave the room by Mr. Gang and we spoke for over 1 hour in private; offering me a senior company position.

    I had already put a full stop to all ROV work, directed the vessel to Port Chiwan and was awaiting the GM of Sonsub Sing to officially pull the plug on the project and de-mobilize. This is exactly what happened. I have to say here that Sonsub Singapore backed and supported me 100%, from the PM, Ops Mgr and on up to the GM in Sing.




    By the time I returned to Singapore 2 days later, the rumors coming from Sonsub, Neptune and Canyon ROV and office folks were that I had burned the 709 and the Panther ROV down into the seaā€¦LMFAO!!!

    Ok ladies and gentlemen, for those of you who donā€™t know me, I am a Ā½ breed Native American Yuchi Indian who practices the ā€œOld Traditional Indian Ways.ā€ Thus, I used my Indian ā€œmedicineā€ to shape-shift into Wind, invisibly flew from the Huafa back onto the 709, set everything ablaze, by calling down Fire from the Sky in BROAD DAYLIGHT WITH HANDS ON DECK ON BOTH VESSELS and flew back onto the Huafa TOTALLY UNDETECTEDā€¦lol!!! And I accomplished all of this with a badly dislocated shoulder and in only 15 minutes! šŸ˜³ Geez…getting slow in my old age.

    So, you industry guys that just must perpetuate rumors about how much money I received for a single punchā€¦get the amount right šŸ˜€ . For those of you who must keep the rumor alive of how I burned down the ROV, Control & Work Van in broad daylight on the 709, please make certain your gossip includes my use of my ancient Native American Yuchi Rock Medicine to accomplish this legendary feet šŸ˜ˆ

    Aho, Windclan, House of Warriors

    Scott Beveridge

    Bril dude, just bril! Seems quite a few contracts have gone south in China over the past few years. Another place to avoid I wonder?? Can’t do rubbish like that with causing the ol’ stress levels to elevate like that any more – it’s pointless.


    A great Tale OldSchool …. better than Hollywood as it turned out right with the Indians beating the Cowboys .
    Wonder if anyone will learn any lessons from the incident … but you were also lucky as it could have turned out bad for you. toss of the dice but right does not always win over Might or Shite.

    i have seen similar things over the years in other industries even been the anti hero myself …..and been a crazy situation on one of my first jobs in this industry (The Crazy Super ) which also turned out well for me and the rest of my Shift but not for the pillock super .

    I may not have your 30years ROV and i dont know if i have the Brass Balls and concrete head and cussed stubborness like you ,but i do make my voice heard when idiots walk the talk and i hope that others do the same .


    I was told to check this forum as it seems I was part of the topic.
    My name is Steve Williams, I am the ex diver and ROV hand that has lived and worked in Asia since ’82. Currently I am working for BOETC (Bluewhale) as their Offsh Project Supt.

    Seems something that happened 4 months or so ago is still being spoken of by some.

    I am not going into the detailed arguing or slagging off of anyone.
    Needless to say as I stated to the police when they arrested me, I walked into the bar, punched the guy off the bar stool, called him a cunt , and walked out.

    Next day I was arrested. In the police station I was processed to be locked up for 4 to 6 weeks, and it was the police who suggested I pay money to the other party. We started at 1 days dayrate and settled at 7.
    The other party was happy, the police prepared papers to close the case, and I walked out. Shit happens.

    In BOETC’s office I handed over the S10,000, police charges were dropped and we shook hands.

    I am a little dissapointed that online slagging goes on, I thought this was closed between us..but hey it’s a free world.

    THis is probably the 2nd time this year I have logged onto ROV world, (no offence James !)..just that anyone who knows me knows that I am not really into this ‘work’ talk, Christ it takes up enough of our time one way or the other anyway.

    Anyway, Oldschool, we know what happened, why it happened..good bad or whatever. Get over it man, enjoy the $10,000.

    Anyone wants to send hate letters, offers of dodgy Rolex’s or pictures of East European babes feel free to fill up my email address at BOETC.
    One other thing, nothing, but nothing is as it seems in China, the Macheavlelian politics and smoke and mirrors makes Macbeth look lame.

    Here’s wishing a Happy Christmas and a safe year to all,
    and remember, in Indo always go left
    OM Swasti Om

    Steve Williams

    James McLauchlan

    I would like to think that as all facts appear to be out in the open and the altercation settled, by way of cash, that this should be laid to rest.

    I am sure that many people will read and learn from this condensed sequence of events and the response by both parties.

    There is no benefit to be had in dragging this on and on. The sensible thing would be to let this topic close of it’s own accord.

    best regards, Merry Christmas and all that good stuff!
    James Mc


    Sometimes the repetition of a problem allows people to get it clear in their head what happened, and can be a lesson to those yet to experience this sort of situation. Some things are worth fighting for.
    ‘Keep her running straight and true’.
    Yuletide Felicitations


    Thanks Stev for beer,s out of the 10k that oldschool got

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