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need some advice from the old dogs

Home Forums General General Board need some advice from the old dogs

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    Scott Garvey

    I got a question for you older hands…I worked for Oceaneering for a year in the GOM on a rig doing drill sdupport , but had to take a year off for a family health crisis. I want to go back to ROVs…but heres trhe dilema . I am the first to admit ,,,one year you don’t know dick . I know alot more than when I started but I am far from the supertech even with studying the systems and trying to fix them .
    Should I try and get with one of the big companies or go through an agency . I know that is the way all you guys do it outside the USA but , as far as I know . most guys here work for the company and thats it..eg.) Oceaneering . However , I see some company has started up over here doing that agency gig . Remember , I got 1 year , thats it , so I am not the ole’ scruffy sea dog as far as ROVs go,,,is that what those agencies look for …….and …is it really worth going to them in the first place anyways………..Thanks – Garvey ❓


    Hey Garve
    Here’s one from an "OLD dog", take with grain of salt as others may steer you differently. You might get something as agency but you are better off having a couple more years of steady work with a regular company before going that route. Especially as a Yank you fight an uphill battle until you establish a proven track record with the agency folks. With agency you are much more dependant on keeping the client happy — one "oops" and you are on the "don’t call" list. You might be better to go down the list of the American companies and apply. You may discount the "one year only" experience but you are ahead of the throng that are trying to get in with "no year". good luck

    Scott Beveridge


    Turtle made some valid points in the above. 1 1/2 years (with one co.) MINIMUM before venturing out to the agencies.

    Andy Shiers

    I agree 🙂


    Hello Garve

    As stated by everyone else, I’d stick with companies right now.

    Another reason being your technical experience. Only Oceaneering use their systems, and you’ll find that those systems aren’t well regarded in the rest of the industry. Try working for a company that uses Perry systems for a while. This will make you much more attractive to companies if you do decide to go the agency route.

    And you’ll find out what a real ROV can do.

    Scott Beveridge

    😆 😆 😆 Indeed numpty, indeed!

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