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Re-using Tywraps

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    I want to find out how common the insistence is by companys or supervisors that tywraps must be cut off so that they can be re-used. I have even heard of a supervisor that wanted the used tywraps ironed to straighten them.

    Do certain companys have a policy regarding this or is it supervisor/PM driven? Surely paying a PT a good day rate to waste time with cheap tywraps does not make economic sense as the money saved on a used tywrap is now compounded by the money spent on the PT during the increased time it now takes the PT to cut off, save, clean and put the bent tywrap back on? Never mind the time and money spent ironing the tywraps.

    The tywraps become very costly, especially if used more thsan twice and what some may see as a good idea is actually false economy?

    Comments anyone?


    Tywraps shouldn’t be used twice. Cut them in pieces and than throw them in the bin. My 5 cents.
    You can test a tywrap simply by trying to pull them open.
    Use good tywraps with a stainless steel clip for locking.

    I’ve never heard about ironing tywraps….

    Paul Morgan

    Tywraps, like nylok nuts should not be used more than once. Although i am sure i am not alone when i say i have had to reuse lots of things when the option of using a nice new one is not possible due to lack of consumables..Bodge away!!!

    Scott Beveridge

    Cut tyrap the correct way, throw tyrap in a tyrap bin on deck, and when needed next time select correct size in instead of have to go to the workshop (extra time wasted…). This was scoffed at by many people young and old alike…. I saved about 1 hour per trip….

    Farq straightening them out. Tell your supv. to parsh off!

    Andy Shiers

    Hmmmm , Is all I can say 😕
    Considering that I have been on Numorous Contracts where getting hold of spares have been none existant , mainly because it’s one of those bloody awful countries that confiscate / steal or simply will not allow said spares through to the ship , The request for 100 tie wraps had become four hundred then 1000 and still not arrived 🙁
    Salvaging old tie wraps was all that was left 😯

    Andy Shiers

    Mind you , If it happens in the North sea then it’s probably down to shite company logistics and the store manager should be fired ! 🙂


    I was responsible for supporting some ROV’s and a trencher 5 years ago and i remember the systems had spent £18,000 on tywraps. LK5’s are not cheap.

    Mind you replacing lost tools was running at more than £25000 at the time I left!

    After my time in support I always treated the Sunday orders in a totally different light.

    Scott Beveridge

    I’m glad that was brought up Excableguy (that was my next pet-peeve)… Between the cost of the tyrap and looking for one adds up…


    STS are the only company i know of, but there again what do you expect from such bunch. Circus springs to mind 😆


    I can see the point in re-using the tywraps if you’re running out and don’t know when the next batch is coming. But then, as stated, you order well above what is required in a remote/corrupt location.

    Scotbeve, I have worked on a system that kept the new tywraps on deck in a bin with a combination lock. What a pleasure having them close by.


    I was responsible for supporting some ROV’s and a trencher 5 years ago and i remember the systems had spent £18,000 on tywraps. LK5’s are not cheap.

    Mind you replacing lost tools was running at more than £25000 at the time I left!

    After my time in support I always treated the Sunday orders in a totally different light.

    Very true but the cost of tywraps and replacing tools is minor compared to the cost of the downtime incurred because the system didn’t have tywraps or tools to do the job. Then there are the intangible costs of being perceived as an el-dheapo company by the client and damage to personal reputation.


    I worked for a company once where we had to reuse duct tape and electrical tape……


    I think if this is your biggest concern…you really , really …need to get a life.

    This completely sounds like something that a supervisor that surfs the net all day (on shift) would come up with. More useless BS to irritate his PT with because he is bored and wants "to look busy"

    James McLauchlan

    Use them or don’t re-use them it’s entirely up to you or your supervisor. They are not a rated safety item as such.. no test cert, no rating etc.

    If the supply is running low then you ight need to re-use to save time and money to prevent downtime due to loose/damaged cables, hoses etc.. If you have plenty, use the new ones to save time and thus save money by reducing downtime messing around with second hand tywraps.

    The comparison to Nylok nuts is incorrect in my mind. Whilst it is generally accepted not to use Nylock nuts more than once I have not heard of any reason why that same practice should be applied to tywraps.

    best regards
    James Mc

    James McLauchlan

    I think if this is your biggest concern…you really , really …need to get a life.

    But the topic may not be their biggest concern. I saw no mention of it being so.

    Lets keep on topic eh? The topic was about tywraps not whether people need to get a life or not.

    best regards
    James Mc

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