Home Forums General General Board How to get Seaman´s card/ discharge book

How to get Seaman´s card/ discharge book

Home Forums General General Board How to get Seaman´s card/ discharge book

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  • #2157

    Hi all,

    I am trying to get a seamans card/ discharge book. Could someone give me some advise on how to obtain one?

    Many thanks in advance!



    Depends on where you’re from. In the UK, I believe you can find that info here:



    Contact your local Panamanian Consulate/Embassy and ask them. They seem to be helpful enough. They will give you a list of requirements (Offshore Medical/Survival Cert….and a letter from your employer/agency) but I suggest you fax them a copy of what you have just to make sure you’re not wasting a trip.

    As a matter of fact, I just found out they were willing to close an eye to me naming a specific vessel and the letter from my agency was good enough for them…….just said I would be working in Qatar often (just became obligatory to have the Seamans book in Qatar).

    I hope this was helpful.

    Wade Berglund

    Hello mate

    Just to add a few bits of information. It took me a while to find out where to get/apply for a seaman’s book. Being Canadian I tried different agencies and finally contacted the Canadian consulate in Singapore. They informed me to try the Transport Canada website

    Go to the Marine section and then to the competencies/ qualifications section. When I returned to Canada I contacted the Marine division, and told them where I lived. They were helpful, gave me an address, told me I needed a letter of introduction from my employer (with letter head), and a passport photo. In 10 minutes I had a Seaman’s book for 10.00 $.

    Easy once you find out where to go.

    I wish you luck.


    He guys!

    Thank you for the information.
    It looks like a Panamanian registration then.

    Yo no hablo Espanol!! 😀 😀


    Scott Beveridge

    He guys!

    Thank you for the information.
    It looks like a Panamanian registration then.

    Yo no hablo Espanol!! 😀 😀


    Nah… don’t worry…. all you need is about us$160.00 and you get a 5 page seamans book that’s valid for 5 years.


    See if you can get an extended book as the stamps can fill in the book quickly.



    See bottom of page for application form and contact email address.


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