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North Sea Chopper Ditch

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    All 18 persons survived a chopper ditching in the North Sea about 125 miles from Aberdeen. My thoughts go out to those that have experienced one of the offshore workers nightmares.

    Well done to all involved and be thankful for HUET training. Wishing you all the best and a speedy recovery.


    Well done to the two chopper pilots who made the landing possible. Hours and hours of training goes into making sure you can walk out alive from emergency situations as such.
    REAL pilots-REAL flying, none of this ROV bla bla

    Alex Kerr

    Be fair!!, still need the ROV guys to find and recover the ADR.

    thankfully, this one had a happy ending for all on board, I’m a very old man and can go back as far as North Cormorant, not so happy!!!.


    ROV pilot.

    Nobody knows what happened, in fact there was not a "Prepare to Ditch" announcement! Were they disorientated? Bad Vis / No horizon etc, remember it was 500m from the platform and there were no indication of any problems in very low cloud. In fact the passengers did not realise they were in the water until it started coming into the aircraft.
    Apart from that the pilots were only doing what they were trained to do.
    (Look after Number one) ie. If they survive then most likely we will too.

    Anyway, apart from that I have never seen or heard of a PILOT fix anything.

    You are right RovRat, it is one of our worst nightmares, but everybody also has to remember the Peelots like to go home at night as well.

    Spark, know what you mean, I, for my creaking bones will testify, go back well before the Chinook went down close to Sumburgh, also been involved in 2 on land emergency landings (both just after we took off from Aberdeen).

    Thank goodness for ships without helidecks .


    Helpma Boab,
    If those pilots were in a state of spatial disorientation, no-one would have survived!! Bad vis/No horizon?? Those pilots are IFR trained and have plenty of instruments to rely on for attitude, altitude, rate of descend/ascend etc
    Pilots fixing things? I have met one who was an engineer before he became a pilot.

    Anyway, i was just saying hats off to the guys for making a safe landing/ditching and that they are REAL pilots with REAL recognised qualifications. It was also a partial dig at some ROV’rs who think they are also in the same league with them-they’re not!

    Alex Kerr

    Chaps and chapesses,
    further to my last, ROV pilots did indeed have a major part to play, watch the news!! πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰


    The Press and Journal has an article/interview with one of the survivors of last week helicopter accident on the North Sea.
    You can read the article here.


    A MCA press release will be published in the ROVworld news section in appr. 10 minutes.

    Ray Shields

    Latest reports are saying 8 bodies have been recovered. A Bond Super Puma, coming back from BP Miller.

    We have all been phoning home to say we are OK as we arrived onboard a rig in Moray Firth 0815 this morning. No-one on here had heard about it till my missus emailed me!

    James McLauchlan

    The crash happened about 40 miles north east of Aberdeen


    is 2009 will be the choppers ditching year???!!! now in April and 3 choppers were ditch 2 in north sea and 1 in canada.
    bless all …..

    Ray Shields

    Looks like Acergy have the contract to go out and recover the helicopter.

    Sat diving boat away out of Peterhead to the crash site.


    Shocking news and my condolences to the families of all the Guys who died.Sobering stuff.

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