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  • #2263

    Why not use this topic as a place to put the comments you are sort of policing in the forum James.

    This new topic could end up going all over the place with different ideas and counter posts without obviously going OFF TOPIC!

    It may save you time just to cut and paste a standard reply e.g.

    This post has been moved to OFF TOPIC

    At least then we could see what the person actually said?

    All this of course MUST adhere to the forum rules about slagging off, slander swearing etc etc.

    It might be fun just to shoot the s**t see where the topic goes and also might give some time to cross referencing where the post came from and almost like a weird puzzle to keep track of whats been said about what.

    This may be the post we OLD hands want where we can waffle, get a little bit sarky and drift off to stories of old and a place where rookies may fear to tread or at least get a heads up or handle of people they WILL certainly come across!!!

    James is this OK and/or helpful??

    What do you all think?

    Andy Shiers

    I think that would bring some of the Ol’ boys back again 😀
    Mind you , James has already stated that he dosena want that type of thing on his forum and people should go elsewhere , which believe……………………….. People have done 😕

    Ray Shields

    There is nothing wrong with waffle – its just the inappropriate waffle that is discouraged (or should I say waffle in the wrong places!)

    An Off Topic thread should cover all off tipic replies 🙂


    i lost concentration again, what was the topic?

    Andy Shiers

    Rays waffling on about something or another 😕


    Hey James this could be a real positive for the site. There are numerous valuable threads that have been sidetracked by regular contributors of non topic garbage, discouraging those who may wish to contribute or benefit from thoughtful considered postings. It would be like going to an event where childcare is provided by management. Drop the kids off and enjoy the concert. This is not meant as a disparaging jab at those who wish to use the site for venting or for a laugh–just a vote to provide a sanctioned appropriate venue. But if mom and dad take you along to the show, when you act up don’t make a fuss when the nice usher man takes you by the ear to the playpen….

    James McLauchlan

    Just read this and will give it some thought. Ideas are always welcome but right now my available time, to respond, is limited. I’ll try and re-visit this over the weekend.

    best regards
    James Mc

    Andy Shiers

    Visiting weekend 😀

    Ewan McKen

    While James is thinking about it why not pop over to the Tea Shack:


    Waffle and Banter Welcome, Swearing and Slander not.


    Ray Shields

    While James is thinking about it why not pop over to the Tea Shack:


    Waffle and Banter Welcome, Swearing and Slander not.


    Someone has already registered my username on there, so if you see any posts – its not me.




    Will the real rayshields standup.


    i’m not me anymore either, i ceased being me some time ago.

    i was last seen as me before i started appearing on ROV world, although the identification at that time followed a flawed procedure, so maybe that wasn’t me either, i can’t remember

    Andy Shiers

    aah , So you are the flawed one now 🙂
    And Me is still out there ! 😀

    James McLauchlan

    We can run with the idea of an off topic thread but the idea does add extra loading on the admin front.

    It is not just a case of moving a dodgy post to another thread, job done.

    For example… if a topic is running on track and someone posts a bit of crap, then others posts on topic again afterwards than that post would need to be manually edited and copied across to the off topic thread. As the new post in the off topic thread would be under an admin username reference would need to be made in the post about who the original poster was. Sounds simple until you think of how many posts there are on a daily basis and how many people think that staying on topic is not that important.

    I will do it when I have the time but will not be trawling the forum every day to see what I can or can’t move to the off topic thread.

    best regards
    James Mc

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