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Free phone calls

Home Forums General Interesting Websites Free phone calls

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    Gina McLauchlan

    This is one carried over from the old forum

    This has been around for a while now, but I just started using it. Quality is good if you buy a decent headset and the call is free if the other person also has Skype. If they don’t, you can use skypeout and just pay for the local call, about 50 ยข a minute, no matter where you call to. Calling to a mobile is a bit more expensive. The download is free.


    Gina McLauchlan

    This is one carried over from the old forum

    I have been using skype now for a few weeks calling to a UK land line costs around 1.2 pence, Computer to computer is free anywhere in the world.


    We all know about Skype these days and its very good, but there are a ew others out there now.

    I recently bought a nokia n95 and its changed my phone bills for the better.

    The best thing wih it and many other phones on the market is the built in wifi.

    with it it opens a whole new field of calling options

    I use a program which you can download for free called fring.

    It gives access via wifi, gprs or 3g to msn, skype, voipstunt, googletalk and a few others.

    its a great program giving you the ability to chat or call from your phone for free or for very little.

    Saved the best for last, it’s another free program called truphone, with it you can call other truhone users or uk landlines for free using your wifi phone.

    I use these two programs all the time now where there is wifi and these days there is loads of places where you can get free wifi.

    So go google the programs and save yourself a fortune.


    Yahoo Messenger has some nice built in features, too. It doesn’t match Skype, it doesn’t even want to, but it has superb quality.

    Andy Shiers

    I have found that the Ships offshore are increasingly putting WiFi around the vessel in order to cope with people and their laptops ( For email purposes only and no video or photo downloads )
    Problem is ,…………. Skype maybe very cheap but tends to bugger up the networks by slowing it down !

    James McLauchlan

    I have found that the Ships offshore are increasingly putting WiFi around the vessel in order to cope with people and their laptops ( For email purposes only and no video or photo downloads )
    Problem is ,…………. Skype maybe very cheap but tends to bugger up the networks by slowing it down !

    Not so much if you stick to text chat only. I’ve had this discussion on-board before and proved that to be the case.
    Those trying to use it for voice will hammer the bandwidth, slow the whole show down and appear, themselves, to be a little selfish.

    Andy Shiers

    That’s what I was getting at ๐Ÿ™‚

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