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Oceaneering Pay Review

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    Only 1 Day after announcing record profits and being confidant that profits will continue to grow within the ROV department during these harsh economic times Oceaneering have announced that all pay reviews will be deffered for at least 3 Months.

    These strikes me as a bit of a kick in the teeth for all involved in continuing to increase the company profits year on year for the last 5 years.


    Gotta love those accountants… An agency jonnie told me that rates being offered right now were low.. Cos the companies know there are plenty of guys looking for work… Bu**er that … I’d rather stay home than work for a piss take day rate.. I can wait another couple of Months for it to busy up…
    Trouble is there are plenty of guys who live Month to Month and newbies eager to get a start who will work for less… Better brace yourselves and be prepared to get shafted this year… Then later on hear more ‘record profit’ reports… Funny I would have thought the best way to save money would be to get rid of all the office hangers on.. Tech managers, safety jonnies, Op’s assistants, PR types and all the others that don’t produce any income.. Get back to an Ops Manager, a secretary and the blokes who work offshore..


    Agree with you DJansen. I’ve no complaints on being at home then going out on crap rates. Cost of being in sunny Thailand….priceless. The newbies could learn things the hard ways if companies are not willing to pay.


    Not to mention it costing OI alot less now to pay their brits with the pound being weak against the dollar.

    So they are saving quite a few bucks there too.

    Next they will say the bonus is under review too.


    Very true bcklad OI will be saving a fortune on the exchange rate, also think bonus will be next.

    All this means is that they can increase profits again this year without passing this down the line.

    If profits were to fall then i could understand this view but when they are trying to impress their shareholders and shouting to the rooftops how much money they have made and are going to make then i find it insulting.


    Why not stick it to the capitalist swine, just because you live in a different part of the world shouldn’t matter.

    A bit more solidarity and less "I’m alright Jack" would get these redneck OI types worried.

    Has anyone ever wondered who sponsored those CCFC* signs that used to line the highway down to Grand Isle in the GOM?

    *Concerned Citizens For the Community, a right wing group railing against offshore unionism in Louisiana

    Jefri Yusneidi

    dear all,

    Can anybody inform me the dayrate for ROV trainee pilot in Southeast asia ?????


    Scott Beveridge

    There’s also a few other ROV companies that recorded VERY GOOD profits and —- oh guess what?—– also froze their payouts…. wallies!!!!

    Graeme Hoyle

    Tells you what a company thinks of its employees when the mission statement of that company is to increase the money going to its shareholders. If you read their mission statement it really sums up OII and what it thinds of those who work for it.


    I am certainly not defending OI but I suspect and know they are bracing for a substantial hit, the big 2 or 3 oil companies have jointly started pulling the contractors in and telling the service contractors (all not just ROV) that the rates are going back to 2002 levels…20-30% lower on average today. Once this sets in it will spread like fire and of course it wont be the company bottom line that is focussed on but the overhead which i dont have to tell you is what we are regarded as? Or cash out as your company cost controller will call you. ROV business is not dead & i dont think it will collapse as there is still a steady but slow demand for systems. The initial hit has already sunk its teeth into the vessel owners or investors of new builds still to be delivered, massive oversupply has arrived and still over 100 new builds coming onto the market in a timid tendering period. The small operators stand the best chance of making some decent money in fact i think this is the wee mans golden hour. The small operator can now turn up and tender to the greedy and tell them thats what it is and thats what it costs take it or leave it. There is already a good increase in small contracts being awarded to companies i have never heard of before who are buying equipment they wouldnt know if they found it in their soup.

    These times are horrible or could be for some, when you work for a company for many years with pride and commitment which we dont like to actually admit and then the hard times roll in you can find yourself standing alone without a penny waiting for the phone to ring. When the phone does ring you now have to be extra nice to that stuck up little spotty arsed girl who now has some control of your attitude and finacial earning ability. You will get those who will tell you to say "f@^k em" and let go to a volley of verbal nastiness to the office dwellers ( who will also be nervous now) (but alas its always the storeman that gets it first)which you will forget in a week or so but the receiver will remember for years.
    So for those lucky enough to have a rotation or regular work and or the ops managers pet ( there is always one or 3 )I would keep the head down and system working with a little attention as possible and ride it out. For those newly in the game make sure you know what the team take in their coffee and dont wait to be asked to get one oh and be sure to be paying attention the job you are supposed to be learning, dont take sides in any differences offshore and always have a supply of male intrest mags to share.

    But I dont think this is a long sentence and i cant see the worlds demand for energy decreasing (no money today means no development for alternatives), china has a country load of new cars on HP that they are gonna drive even if it means selling their stolen organ transplants. The waves will rise again sure enough and you can go tell that spotty arsed little madam that you need some decent money to work on their crusty subs!

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