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  • #2397

    Hi guys,can somebody help me how to get a job like a ROV trainee?I have an ROV pilot/technician grade (II) certificate,UKOOA medical and BOSIET survival.
    Please can somebody help me?

    Scott Beveridge

    Hi guys,can somebody help me how to get a job like a ROV trainee?I have an ROV pilot/technician grade (II) certificate,UKOOA medical and BOSIET survival.
    Please can somebody help me?

    Read this entire forum and then you can help yourself!!! It’s easy!!



    a few minutes and hey presto a trainee job!!!
    not sure about age restrictions though ?
    top tips
    rtff- if you have not heard that one you should read the forums!…
    get a good cv.
    send it to every rov company known to man.
    back it up with a call or visit.
    start praying to the rov gods 😀


    Sorry guys,maybe was a stupid question?! I have send more than 150 cv!

    Ray Shields

    GROV – aside from a certificate saying you are a PT2 (which, realistically you are not despite what a piece of paper says), what other technical qualifications and or experience do you have?

    Where have you been applying for the jobs? Many UK companies, for example, will not employ anyone who does not live within Western Europe.

    After 150 CVs being sent and rejected, you may have to consider trying for another job.


    I’m not from westerm europe.I hawe big electrical expiriene.Was owner of electrical company for 10 years.Maybe is now bad time because of world crisis?


    top tip no#656
    If you have a cv with bad english you will get knowhere.
    Who is going to employ someone from a british company if their English is not up to speed???????????
    There is plenty of ex UK forces guys out there looking for a start now so it might be difficult….
    Crisis has fook all to do with it this year as oil companies are still cash rich….


    thanks for information.I’m good in english but not exelent! But I have first write my CV and send it to course trainning school in uk to control if anything is ok and after this i have send it too companys.

    Ray Shields

    I’m not from westerm europe.I hawe big electrical expiriene.Was owner of electrical company for 10 years.Maybe is now bad time because of world crisis?

    Then this is probably why you are not getting offered a job, there are many other people who live here already willing to become ROV trainees, there is no incentive for any Western companies to employ you.

    I thought you said you have already sent your CV 150 times?

    I believe if you have not managed after sending 150 CVs you really need to consider if you will be able to get a job in ROVs. It is nothing to do with any workd crisis, there is still lots of money and work in offshore oil and gas.

    Look at the FAQ section (link over on the left) and read the How To Layout Your CV section for asdvice on your CV.



    Where did you get your Pilot/Tech 2 certificate?

    Who issued it?

    How many flying hours have you got on work class or eyeball systems?

    Knowing these details may help us give you some clarity.


    Hi ROVRatt

    I get my PT2 at Global Marine System,and have 7h on seaeye falcon.

    Thanks for your time.


    im sorry but how do you get a PT2 cert after 7h on the sticks, with what is basically a bloody toy ROV sytem. I for one would not have you on my team of people offshore. Global Marine Systems, which i take it is a training school also want there arses kicking for issuing such a certificate. 😈


    Hi ThePropeth,

    Im new in this field so i make the course jus for introduction in rov to see what is ROV and how its his system.I make more electical complex job that you’ll newer see in your life so dont say things like this!And remember,you was a trainee too!

    Ray Shields

    im sorry but how do you get a PT2 cert after 7h on the sticks, with what is basically a bloody toy ROV sytem. I for one would not have you on my team of people offshore. Global Marine Systems, which i take it is a training school also want there arses kicking for issuing such a certificate. 😈

    You will find other Training Schools also issue certificates stating that people completing their course are PT2’s. This is because if you actually read the IMCA Guidelines you will find that the specification they have for a PT2 is abysmally weak and believe it or not anyone attending these training schools DO actually meet the guidelines.

    From IMCA R005, entry levels for a PT2 (e.g. to do a PT2 course you should have):- Offshore survival, offshore medical, suitable academic and industrial experience (details of which are listed in R002.)

    The training schools then have to train and sign off the following competencies:-

    Safety Awareness
    Teamwork & Co-operation
    Emergency Procedures
    Piloting Skills ("demonstrating spatial awareness of umbilical positions, turns and loads on at least three different occasions")
    ROV Systems
    Preventative Maintenance
    Safe Operating Techniques
    Navigational Activity
    Technical Ability

    You do that, you are a PT2.

    For a PT1, entry level includes 180 days offshore and 100 hours of piloting.

    Which shows you how piss poor the IMCA uidelines are and need a good overhaul.

    To be fair to GROV he did initially state he was looking for a Trainee position.

    James McLauchlan

    To be fair to GROV he did initially state he was looking for a Trainee position.

    In general I agree with what Ray has to say on this.

    It’s not the trainees fault that they hit the industry clutching a bit of paper proclaiming them to be a PTII so, no need to berate them.

    However the IMCA (remembering of course that the letters IMCA stand for International Marine Contractors Association – is made up from non other than representatives of the very companies making profit from employing the ROV trainees mentioned in this thread. Therefore it’s no wonder that the standards are weak, as this approach provides for a steady flow of cheap exploitable labour. Of late you can see, for yourself, how these very IMCA members are trying to drive rates down to help increase their profitability.

    I’d love to see just one representative (of an IMCA member company) come forward and try to explain a contrary view.

    Therefore, these ROV schools also need reviewing by an industry body that has less of a vested/commercial interested in seeing trainees being pumped out into the system as PTII’s, regardless of whether they are the right type or not.

    The industry does need an overhaul in this respect, but this is nothing new to those that have been in the game for a good time. Years back things were self regulating, people only progressed based on time, experience and ability. Ops managers would ask for feedback on how people performed and life went on pretty much as it should. It was a form of self regulation that worked.

    These days, check boxes on appraisal forms seems to have overridden the well proven time served method and reduced the input of human experience to purely check box level at the expense of feedback on a more personal level. I believe these forms can be attributed to be a reason for part of the failure of the system.

    With the current set-up the requirements to progress are far too lenient and were most probably written up by a bunch of people that had little or no clue as to how the sharp end of the industry (offshore) operates.

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