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Site Maintenance / Upgrade

Home Forums General General Board Site Maintenance / Upgrade

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  • #2558
    James McLauchlan

    Yep! The time has come to upgrade the site to a more secure up to date version of this CMS (We use RavenNuke by the way). The last major upgrade was about three years back since then it has been tweaked and had small updates performed but that’s all.

    This is a major overhaul and will take place over the next few days.
    We should end up with a more secure faster site plus more functionality in the Forum. This is not a request for features though 😉

    Please bear with me if you notice any quirks or problems during this period.

    By all means add a post into the site problems board in the forum HERE! and I’ll work on what er pops up as it happens.

    best regards
    James Mc

    James McLauchlan

    Shortly the site will be closed for maintenance.

    If all goes well things will be live again by tomorrow.

    Fingers crossed!

    James McLauchlan

    02:52hrs. The bulk of the upgrade has been completed. I’ll open the site in a few minutes. If anyone notices any issues please post them in the board HERE

    In the meantime we now have an attachment mod installed in the Forum which means you can upload images with posts direct from your PC if you wish.
    I think the max file size per attachment is currently set at around 250K.. too tired to check at the moment. .gif and .jpg images (among others) are acceptable.

    Any issues noticed will be ironed out over this coming weekend.

    best regards
    James Mc

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