Home Forums General Union Information (General Discussion) Calling on all Subsea7 Employees and all ROV CREWS

Calling on all Subsea7 Employees and all ROV CREWS

Home Forums General Union Information (General Discussion) Calling on all Subsea7 Employees and all ROV CREWS

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  • #2604

    Taken from June 2009 News letter Enough is Enough


    ROV employer Subsea7 would
    seem to be about to lead the
    charge to the bottom when it
    comes to wages. Reports from members
    suggest that some riggers are to be
    replaced by riggers hired in the Far East
    on rates as low as £48 a day. Reports are
    also coming in that ROV trainees have
    also been hired on similar conditions.
    The OILC branch took the decision that
    the branch secretary act as focus for all
    information regarding this attack and try
    and set up a network of correspondents
    who will liaise with the branch secretary
    to ascertain just what has happened on
    every unit so far, and determine the union
    density on each unit and discuss a
    strategy to confront this problem.
    EiE 8 will also attempt to look at this
    issue in detail and is looking for letters
    from Subsea7 employees in all
    disciplines, marine, rigging , ROV and
    diving, as well as from similar grades
    with other ROV operators who will
    surely be forced to follow suit should
    Subsea7 be allowed to get away
    with this.

    Contact: oilc.secretary@gmail.com


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